Part 2

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Jazelle's pov

I stayed up all night reading and now it was time to go to school. I dispise school so you might wonder why I would be going there on free will, well I heard a rumour that at forks highschool the Cullen's went to school so I wanted to see which assholes stole my last name and surprise them.

I put on some clothes (Pick at the top) not caring that it's quite cold (for a human) and that I had to play that role. I walked down stairs and got a glass with blood from the fridge when I bumped into Elijah "Sup Eli" I said trying to be noncelaunt and pretend that I'm not planning on sucking the people that stole my name dry "What are you planning" he asked suspiciously

"Nothing" I answered if I could sweat I would but I can't  so I'm not "Welp, I gotta go don't want to be late for my first day would I" I yelled while racing out of the kitchen leaving my cup of blood behind " But you hate school" Eli shouted after me even though he could whisper and I would hear him but there were mortals near by so it would look weird if we where having an argument around mortals and we were just glaring at each other and whispering.

"Oh grow up Elijah I don't hate school. I absolutely dispise it, but that doesn't mean I want to be late I gotta be there on time to be annoyingly amazing to the teachers" I said sassily while I got on my baby. "Be nice" Eli shouted after me while I drove away listening to nightcore. I stuck my middle finger up to make sure he got the message.

When I got to school I smelled 5 vampires and 1 half, they suddenly noticed me and walked my way. 'Well this is about to get interesting.'

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