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i'm (yn),
i'm 15 years old,
and i have had the most experiments done on me then anyone in the entire organisation.
you see, the organisation kidnappes orphanes and does experiments on them, hoping something else will happen, something quit magical.
that's what they wanted to call it.
i have had 311 experiments done on me, with success of course.
but nobody knows.

i've been hiding my powers from everyone except the 4 kids who i trust with my life.
but unfortunately i don't have contact with them anymore.
you'll find out why.
when the experiments didn't do what they wanted, they just decided to train me to see if i could just be an agent.
i've had every training you could've imagined.

but being locked up 24/7 does something to you.
it drives you nuts.
so, together with 4 other kids, who were also locked up 24/7 ,we found a way to escape the base.
when we did that ,we would go around the world with a machine we designed.
but when we escaped we didn't do good stuff, i you know what i mean.
it was routine, get out of the base, find a target, go there, blow things up, steal things and kill people.

we started doing that when we were 9.
and we escaped when we were 14,
8 months ago, together with 300 other kids.
but that's a story i'll tell later.
we made a name for ourselves fast.
the kids in the black uniforms, with masks, guns, knives, and the strength of 10 men.

even when they knew we would come, we would still destroy the entire city.
all the government's are out for our blood.
everyone wants to know who those kids are.
the kids without mercy.
the kids that can never be found, don't excist on any goverment computer, and never miss a shot.
the kids who's names are known all around the world.
the 5 kids who changed the centurie.
we are the troubled kids.

new story
i know it's a shitty intri but i'm sick and my brain doesn't function well
so my bad
this story will be longer then any of my storys
if i count correctly 30 maybe 40
i'm not done with the plot yet
hope you like it
love you all❤️
miss geeky

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