Chapter 1

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It was a normal day in the Todoroki household. Their "father" Enji Todoroki was training Touya who is 12 not caring how tired or hurt he was. Shouto who was 5 playing with his older sister Fuyumi who is 10 and Older brother Natsuo who is 8 not having manifested his quirk(s) yet. Touya the oldest brother trained until he passed out. His father left him lying there, and his mother Rei moved him to the shared room the four of them shared.

When the other three saw their mother trying her hardest to take her son to the room they ran over-worried for their brother. They got him in the room and in their bed covered. Their mom left without a word not mentally stable enough to handle looking at her son.


A few weeks passed and Shouto manifested his quirks. Their mom went crazy and lost her mind pouring boiling water from a teapot on his Left eye because it was his fireside. Shouto could control ice with his right side and fire with his left. Their mother hated their father and wanted her children to be nothing like him. When Touya saw this he lost it. He decided then and there that he would get him and his siblings out of this place. He rushed over to Shouto and ran him to the bathroom. Touya caught it early so it hadn't started to peel skin. It was burning him though. He took Shouto's shirt off in case the boiling water got on it and replaced it with his jacket. He ran cold water and soaked a rag in it. He gently laid it on Shouto's left eye.

"Ahhh! Nii-san!" Shouto screamed in pain and Touya jumped in fear at that and started to rock him comfortingly.

"Shhh! Shhh! Nii-san's here. Shh! We just have to keep this rag cold ok. Breathe with me.--- in ---- out ...." Touya kept repeating until Fuyumi and Natsuo came running in the bathroom and locked the door behind them.

"What the heck happened to Sho-chan!" Natsuo said worried.

"Mom lost her mind when he manifested his quirks. He can control both fire and ice. But mom poured boiling water from the teapot on his left eye." Touya explained clearly trying not to cry or freak out.

"O-ok if it needs to stay cold I can use my hands. I'll make my hands cold and place them on the rag so it transfers through." Fuyumi said going over and doing what she said.

"As long as it isn't ice. It can make it worse. Just cold enough to keep him ok. He needs to stay like this for 10 to 15 minutes." Touya said worried.

"N-nii-san... am I gonna be ok," Shouto asked scared and crying.

"Yes, you are Sho. Don't think like that. You will be fine. Nothing can happen on my watch. Try and sleep ok. When you wake up you'll feel a little better. Nii-san will rock you ok." Touya said and started to rock him back and forth in his lap while rubbing his back and Fuyumi kept her hand on the rag.

Natsuo kept a lookout while all this was happening. Shouto finally fell asleep and left it on for 15 minutes. They dried the burn and Touya added a safe Ointment to the burn with a Q-tip. Shouto tossed in his sleep because it stung but Touya calmly Shh'd him. Then he grabbed new bandages and covered the eye. Touya just looked at Shouto for a few seconds and then looked at his other siblings as serious as he could be.

"We are leaving," Touya said.

"What do you mean we're leaving? Is dad taking us somewhere?" Natsuo asked.

"No Natsu. I'm taking you three and we are gonna run away. Don't be scared. Nii-san promises to keep you safe." Touya said.

"But Touya-nii what if dad catches us trying to get out?" Fuyumi asks.

"Dad sleeps at 9 every night. We'll pretend to be asleep when they come to check on us and when they leave we grab everything we could need. But right now who has pockets?" Touya asked and Natsuo raised his hand.

"Ok, Natsuo I want you to grab the ointment and another just like it. And fit one of the new bandages in another pocket. I'll hide some too in my jacket I have over Sho. he won't see them if I have the jacket on him like a blanket. Fuyumi help me place the bandage on Sho while I hold him." Touya said and they got right to it.

When they finished grabbing what they needed they checked the hallway and left naturally to the bedroom. Luckily they didn't see their dad on the way there. When they got to the room Touya laid Shouto on the bed and they started to pack. Touya said for them to use their school bags but to empty them of their school material. He told them to pack one other outfit, a jacket, any money they had, and some snacks they have hidden. Touya packs for Shouto and himself. Then he notices the teddy he snuck and got for Shouto when he went to town one day. He shoved it in the bag and closed it. They hid their bags and got in bed because it was around time for the check-in. They all pretended to be asleep except Shouto since he was already asleep.

It was 9:30 and their "father" should be in bed asleep by now with their mom. Touya told them to quietly get their bags and wait. Touya grabbed his bag and had Natsuo carry Shouto's. Touya picked up Shouto after carefully putting some comfortable day clothes on him and putting his jacket on him. He told them all to wear the jackets they packed in case it was cold. Touya threw on another jacket and threw their huge blanket in a small bag. He gave that bag to Fuyumi and finally picked up Shouto pulling the hood over his face.

"Pull your hoods over your faces so you aren't recognized. We are gonna quietly head out back near the bushes." Touya whispered.

They all nodded and quietly went through the halls hiding when they thought they heard someone. They finally made it to the bushes and hid in the middle by the gate.

"There are a couple of loose boards that will let us get through. I'll watch you guys go first, but Natsuo I'm gonna pass Shouto to you while I come through so be ready." Touya whispered and they nodded again.

Fuyumi went first, then Natsuo, and they passed Shouto through to Natsuo. Touya looked to make sure nobody was watching and went through the boards making sure to not leave footprints. He place the boards back in place and took Shouto back in his arms. Once they were about 20 minutes away Touya talked to them as they walked further.

"We'll have to find someplace to sleep. And it will have to be a while away and outdoors." Touya said.

"We have to sleep outside?" Natsuo asked.

"Yeah. It'll be like we are going camping. Just the four of us. But remember to be quiet." Touya said.

"Ok," Natsuo said.

They walked and walked until their feet hurt. Then Touya saw something out of the corner of his eye. It wasn't exactly a house but he thought it would do. It was an old shelter with an almost invisible trail to it. It looked run down and like everyone forgot it was there. It was surrounded by trees and you couldn't see the shack unless you were seriously looking and it had to be at a certain area to see it through all the trees. They were about an hour and a half away from the house now and Natsuo and Fuyumi look like they can't take walking no longer.

"Ok. There is an old shack in the woods we can stay in for the night. Follow me quietly. Make sure you don't leave footprints." Touya said and they followed him through the woods.

When they got to the shack it wasn't very big. It had a broken window, wooden floors and an old bed that looked just big enough to fit them if they were close. Touya handed Shouto to Natsuo and checked out the bed making sure it was ok to lay on. The mattress was ok to sleep on. It was old but it still had the plastic wrap on it that was shriveled. So Touya ripped it off and threw it to the side. He got out their blanket and laid it on the bed. He took Shouto back and had Natsuo sleep against the wall, then had Fuyumi beside Natsuo. Then he put Shouto beside Fuyumi and climbed in sleeping on the edge.

"It's probably gonna be hard to sleep but I'm right here so don't get scared," Touya said and placed his hand protectively over them and his other arm was his pillow.

"Night nii-san," they said and snuggled close feeling protected.

They drifted to sleep while Touya held them. He stayed up a little bit longer but went to bed on guard listening to anything that could be a person approaching.

Hope you liked it!!!

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