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Jack- Hey. How'd it go?

Makayla- He kept leaving me on read..

Jack- I'm sure he was just busy, and if not well he's a jerk.

Makayla- I just hope he answers....

Jack- I'm sure he will

Makayla- Anyways. How's life going for you?

Jack- Well my girlfriend and I broke up..

Makayla-What!?! Why?

Jack-Turns out she found out that she's lesbian. We're still on good terms though

Makayla-That's good. What about Lavendar?

Jack-I get her one week than Gabbie gets her the other

Makayla- I'm sorry that your now ex girlfriend likes girls

Jack-It's fine. As long as we're on good terms and still friends and I get to see Lav than it's all good, but please don't tell anyone. We haven't told the public yet.

Makayla- I won't. You're secrets safe with me!

Jack- Thank you Kay

Makayla- Haha no problem. My bestfriend Liv calls me Kay. You been talkin to her?

Jack-Nope. Just a quiescence😂

Makayla- lmao

Jack- Well I have to go to the studio with the boys. I'll text you after


Are We Just Number Neighbors? (Jack Avery)Where stories live. Discover now