A secret: chapter one

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'No, no i can't, i can't be turning, i was so close at keeping things a secret! No one, no one new, no one...'

Y/N thought continuesly as they felt their body begin to change.
The last thing they saw befor their appearance changed completly was their frightfull E/C orbs starring at a now horrendous beast.


"Steven!" The H/C girl Shouted to her friend.

The boy turned around facing the way he heared his name befor a bright smile appeared on his features.

"Hey Y/N! What are you doing up this early?"

The brownette replied to his friend that had now engulfed him into a tight bear hug.

"Ehh couldn't sleep and besides i wanted to see how you where doing"

The girl had always cared deeply for her friend and in some way new that he was hiding many things from everyone. He was good at hiding but not as good as her.

The two have known each other for a while now ever since steven went to the human zoo to save his dad he found a only child at the strange place who you wouldn't guess ( i bet you did but this is for the plot...)  was a hybrid to a G/T and an organic human.

The two have been friends ever since then and has had an amazing friendship.

The two where never seen apart and rarely got into arguments. The only argument they have had though was a playfull one on wich bag of stevens was the best. Ultimately it ended on the burger backpack. The original.

Y/N began to stare at her friends new appearance. Ever since his corruption incident his body had new changes, he still had the horns on his head and had sharper like teeth.

Steven took onto the stare and began to brush a faint pink

"I don't look that bad do i?" He questioned.

Y/N snaped out of it and began to blush a deep red befor shaking her head vigorously.

"No no, i was just looking at how cut- i mean han- im m-mean uh uh..."

Steven began to laugh at her flustered state befor breaking her out of it with a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, its ok, i was just joking"

Y/N just began to mumble under her breath befor getting interrupted by a slight pain in her gem.

Steven saw her wince and took on a Sirius face straight away.

"Hey you ok?"

"Yeah i think its just co-cold.." Y/N teeth chattered out a reply.

"Well wanna come to my house? I have hot coco?" He asked with a small smile.

"S-sure.." Y/N replied.

The walk to his house was silent with only the waves providing sound.
Minutes flew by the two as they began to watch crying breakfast friends, why they still liked that show even as growing adults was unknown to them, it just felt like a regular ruteen for the two to watch it. It was only until Y/N started to feel the pain in her gem again.

"Hey steven, do you mind if i go to the bathroom?"


The young adult began to trudge towards the bathroom, hearing the door click she blew out a annoyed sigh and began to shapeshift back into her corrupted form.

"Why cant i tell them... i mean... I've been corrupting way befor steven showed his signs of corruption and even then it turned out fine."

F/C (favorite color and the color of gems color) tears began to fall down her S/C cheeks (skin color).

She stared herself in the reflection, her E/C (eye color) eyes stared back at her but now they had black triangles that have been flipped upside down in them.

Her corrupting self  looked almost exactly like a bad dream, it was similar to stevens but she had horns that would curl up and do a loop almost like a type of sheeps horns, she had sharper teeth, a slit toungue like a snake, (if you want a tail, wings ect you can add them...) and she was dripping. (Kinda like the toxic parts or rick and morty...)

She had already planned on leaving. Later on in the day there was a boat heading out at sea. If she hoped on that boat today, then she can just disappear and not let anyone worry.

She's the one supposed to help people, not let others help her.

And now that she needs help she's running away... so no one can no the person with no problems actually has a problem....

Their past...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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