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i went to the forum last night and today i aM dead over it so i decided to write this ((i'll talk more abt this at the end ok))

DEDICATED TO @OKAYBUTERA AKA LOLA aGAIN bc we're writing this fanfic called the to do list based off of the movie and its gr8 and its gonna get very smutty soon so hell ya

also bc i tried to facetime her during the concert and she was like 'ITS 6AM LET ME SLEEP'

qotc: whats ur fav 5sos song?


My breath got caught in my throat and no matter how many times I tried to get a word out, I couldn't.

His blue eyes were intently staring at me and I felt like I was frozen. I had no idea what to do or say.

I had no idea how long his glare was on me before he broke the silence.

"What.." he shook his head as if he was also at a loss for words. "What the hell is this?"

"I-I don't..." I tried to think of an excuse, but his eyes squinted slightly and I could tell that he already knew. I couldn't lie. "Where did you.. How did you get that?"

I hadn't even thought about that list for nearly three months.

The last thing I remembered was balling it up and throwing it into my trash can across my room.

So how could it be here, in his hands?

"You know what? I told myself, 'there's no way Kristen could've done something like this.'" He sighed, pushing his chair out and standing up. Now, he was even more intimidating. "But how could I have thought that, right? I've known you for barely four months."

"I made this, like... five months ago, Luke!" I choked out, remembering the exact second that Chloe handed me the ridiculous list. The ridiculous list that I relied on. I felt tears prickling at my eyes, but I tried to hold them back.

"It doesn't matter how long ago you made it." He let out a pained, fake laugh. "What matters is that you used me. All you wanted to do was have sex with a 'rock star'."

"No! It was just a sick joke with my friend." I pleaded, but he shook his head.

"Chloe, yeah? Well, I guess both of you got to the last step of this list. That's all you wanted, right?" He walked towards me and shoved the paper to my chest. I grabbed it and glanced over it, immediately regretting every making it.

"Did Chloe leave this here?" I asked, trying not to choke up. He didn't respond, but that was enough of an answer for me. "Luke, she's just.. jealous!"

"Jealous that you got your boy toy wrapped around your finger?" He scoffed, walking towards the nearest wall before placing his arm against it and leaning on it.

"Luke, no! I made that before I even knew you.. I promise, none of this is ju-" I tried to argue, but he interrupted.

"I bet it took so long for you to get our coffees because you were too busy calling up all of the other guys you're trying to sleep with. Do you have a list to fu ck the brains out of an actor, too?"

"There's not, I promise, I.. I love you!" I yelled, causing him to sharply turn around and look into my eyes. I felt a tear drop onto the soft carpet of the hotel room.

"Don't say that." He almost growled.

"But, I do.. you're the only person who's ever been able to make me feel this way!" I blurted out, my lip quivering.

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