Hi love

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*****************Charlie's P.O.V***************

So it's 4:15 and my mom is calling me

***********Phone call*********************
CM= Charlie's mom C=Charlie
CM: I'm coming over in about three hours
C: What why??
CM: Do you not love me?
C: I do it's just I'm with Leo right now so..... Rain check?
CM: Oh oh ok I'll see you tomorrow
C: Love you
CM: I love you too
************End Of Call*******************
Leo wakes up and smiles at me "hi love" he blushes at the nickname aww he's cute when he blushes
"Thank you" "Did I say that out loud?" "Yep" he giggles OMG 😲 his giggle is so cute I just can't deal with it. "Um hello?" " Um..... Hi" "You were staring at me for a while" "Oh uh sorry" " Wow you're cute " I kiss him and his mom calls welp.... I let him go
******************Leo's P.O.V *******************
LM= Leo's mom L=Leo

LM: Hi sweetie I just wanted to tell you that me and your sister are going to that concert in London tomorrow morning at 5:30 A.M
L: Ok mum thank you for telling me
LM: No problem I love you
L: Love you too
LM: See you Friday night
L: Yep see you then mum
**********End of phone call********************* Hey it's 4:30 and I'm hungry? Wow that's new. Haha

Word count: 220
Yeah I have lacrosse practice

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