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Her head felt like she was falling down the rabbit hole from Alice in Wonderland. The spinning stopped and she looked around at her surroundings. Dark, gloomy, absolutly in the middle of the woods. Wonder which woods, though.

"Where... where am I?" ah, yes. The one line you hear everyone say.

Well, before we should get into the story, I should probably tell you more about our main protagonist.

This is Millie Murrows. She, currently, is down in the deep, dark bad part of Hell. Wait, what am I talking 'bout? everywhere in Hell was bad.

She was quite the quiet person. Only ever talked when had to or she just felt like it. Nice, as well. Would always go out of her way to help someone who needs it. Besides all this, the best thing about her was her attitude. It was like her voice could immediately calm someone down.

Anyway; back to the terrible story. Millie got up and looked down at her dirtied knees. But something unusual happened.

She could see through her knees.

She blinked rapidly. Millie tried using her hands to rub her eyes, but instead...

They were completely detached from her wrists. They were floating in the air. With her having the ability to still use them. Yep. Not a dream or horrifying nightmare.

With tears brimmed her eyes and she sprinted out of the forest she landed in. Millie bumped into multiple demons. Hearing a few 'Watch where you're going, lady!' and 'Bitch! watch it!'. She didn't care about the comments.

She huffed and puffed and put her hands on what felt like wood. She looked up, eyes still a little foggy. The building she was in was a pretty big one. It was made out of dark wood and had a huge sign on the front.

'The Happy Hotel'

She gave the building a curious look before running her fingers on the fine wood. "I wonder if someone's inside." Millie muttered to herself. The woman took slow steps closer. Each step her legs became more wobbly. With a burst of courage, she opened the door. It was empty. Not a single demon was inside, and she knew.

Curiosity filled her mind and she made a few steps inside. With each time her foot planted on the ground, she felt more at... peace. Like, she's been here before or she had this feeling like this was where she was meant to be. Like this is where she's going to stay for a while.

She walks over to a small fridge and opens it, pulling out a popsicle and licking it. The hotel was definitely new. Considering the fact all the furniture didn't look torn up, and the popsicles were still edible. While licking the popsicle, she looks at her attire.

It was quite nice, to say the least. (Picture above). She tried looking on the positive side. Hey! her outfit was pretty cool!

The sound of a car parking near the hotel made Millie freeze. Panic filled her senses and her body felt cold.

"Alright, Millie. You have a couple seconds before these people... Whatever they are, come inside and probably hurt 'ya. Now, if they ask you who you are, give a different name. Uh... Berry! yeah, I kinda look like a berry-"

The door creeked open. Millie jumped into the air and slowly turned her head around, a mixture of a horrified and worried as hell face on. Two shadow figure came into sight. One was tall and lean, while the other was more human like.

"Guys, wait," a female voice said, cautious. "There's someone here." and like that, the windows were opened and the light hit your body. Like a deer in headlights.

"Um... Hi?"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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