Day 2

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Morning: 1

I open my eyes after a short amount of sleep.
Why? My dear big brother and Hiro had whined and kept me up after that party last night.
Trying to convince me to sleep over at their place. I managed to escape them after that and went straight to bed without greeting my new roommates.

I sit up and look around extremely sleepy. 
I wasn't a morning person like my brother, it took a while to start my engine so i was rendered slumped on the bed in a thin cocoon of blankets and a pillow to hug against me. *yawn~*

I lay back down just as another person wakes up.
I remain in the cocoon blinking the sleep away peeking at my bed neighbour as he goes about his morning routine.

I stay like that until everyone else is awake and out for breakfast.
I hear the door shut and the chatter fade and relax with a smile closing my eyes.

"Wake up!" 
Someone tears away my cocoon. My fortess nooo!

I latch on to the cover and slide halfway out of bed with a painful impact "Ouch!"

I open my eyes feeling very cranky.
"Hiro! Brother! let me sleep you bullies~!" I belive it's Hiro and brother who came in to wake me up again. 

 I rub my sore elbow muttering "I picked this slot so I would be spared from your antic-" I sit up and when my eyes open i'm faced with a strangers crotch and i'm rendered mute.

without moving my head too much i slowly peer up at the mystery person.
It was not brother or Hiro.... it was a firm and slender guy with red hair and yellow highlights.
My  eyes widen slightly as i finally realize what position this is and freeze like a statue.

The guy is just kinda looking at me silently with wide eyes too.
Only, he was evolving a deep blush on his cheeks and just at that moment Scoutmaster Yuri opens the door "Taiga-san! Izumi-chan~ it's morning!" 

She sees this Taiga guy's back and me on the floor, my face right in his junk and smoke starts sizzling from her ears. "Ha! ha.... this! is this.... it is!" Stars erupts within her eyes.
She looks all but ready to jump at something and it made me kinda scared.... this lady was intimidating in the most weird ways! 

"Izu! Izu? are you awake yet?"
My brothers voice?! shit it's getting closer! Yuri got a look in her eyes and seriously looked at me and Taiga "Don't worry! I got you!" She nodded and closed the door.

outside we could hear her talking to Brother and Hiro promptly pulling them away.
Both of us blinked. "What just happened?" I asked.

Taiga backs away from me and I make my bed and rush to get changed.
When I get out from the bathroom the guy is still there. 

"Umm.... S-Sorry, about before... I thought you were someone else trying to mess with me" 
At least, I should clear the air a bit. "I'm Izumi nice to meet you- ow!" 

"hmpf! you think I care? were late and you made us late... get going already!"
He was gripping my arm tightly so it hurt pulling me out with him, I stumbled down the stairs and almost tripped when he let go. "Listen! don't think we're buddies or friends and don't get in my way ever again got it?" I nod.

Rubbing my arm.
 It was already pretty bruised so I quickly unfolded my sleeve enough to cover it up.
Why was he so upset suddenly? because of that crotch thing? but he could have gone with the others earlier and ignored me right? why did he stay and wake me if he would be this angry?

This Taiga wasn't making much sense.
I trudge after him to the dinner hall.

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