27th November, 2019

302 39 3

27th November, 2019

'Well? Which is your 

favourite song? 

Besides the title 

track that is.'


'I like that song the

 most at the moment,

 but may change~

 Who knows?'

'Butterfly Effect's 

good too~'


'What kind of song

do you think I'll like?'

'I don't know...

Jekyll maybe?'


you finished your

 schedule for the day?'


At home now~'

'You tired?'

'A bit,

just had a pack of juice, 

feeling a bit better now.'


just to let you know, 

I'm also streaming. 

So you have to 

do well as well,


 don't get hurt, 

don't tire yourself out, 


'Sure thing!'

'Your schedule kinda

 packed these days,



it's manageable.'

'I won't keep you

 from resting now, 

I'll need to shower 



'Good night~

 I hope I won't have



'The Obsession MV...

quite scary to

 be honest.'


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if you can't sleep, 

call me,

 I'll sing a lullaby

and help you sleep


'No lullaby would 

do any good if

 that's the case.'

'Then should I 

go to your place 

and hug you till 

you're asleep?'

'LOL, very funny~ 

Gotta go, bye~'

'Hyeran ah!

I really mean it!

It's not a joke!'

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