Chapter 1

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It wasn't always like this.

      The fame, glory, respect. Everything was nice. What they didn't know is what happened during the fights, only after ten minutes into that fight they saw what happened. By that time I had the villain under control.
      "You did it again, Eldawin. Outstanding job!" My boss said, glad he would be getting more money. Money I earned. Money I will only get a mear fraction of. "With your ability to create illusions over the mind I'll- you'll be getting money everyday!" He exclaimed.
   "Yeah..." I muttered. "We will.." he was too busy counting out what he would get to notice the wounds I had acquired. "I'm gonna go get patched up..." I muttered, walking away. Every stepped burned and my vision was getting blurry. I took another staggered step and blacked out, a dull thud as I hit the ground.
  When I finally awoke, I let out a sharp gasp as a pain ran through my rib cage. The exact place the villain had cut me.
    "Sir.. are you ok..? That cut you got wasn't good. That villains ability was poison slash.." a nurse said.
   "Mhm.." I lied, forcing myself to sit up. Another sharp pain running through my body. A small whimper of pain escaped from my lips. I slowly laid back down, allowing the medic to take better care of my wounds. Closing my eyes, I let myself drift off to sleep.
     When I woke up, I noticed it was dark outside and my rib cage was bandaged tightly. "Sir!" The nurse yelled. "Don't get up. It isn't worth passing out again," she said, sounding... odd. I looked up at her and froze. That wasn't the medic that normally helped me. Last time I checked, she wasn't a he.
    I smiled looking down at him. The illusion hero Mind Breaker. He looked so weak. So pathetic. I guess a few slashes filled with poison does a lot. He was shaking and backed up into a corner. Then something strange happened, he relaxed then went limp. Starting to get worried, I approached him. The poison shouldn't still   affecting him. Picking him up, I left. Taking him was easier than I thought. It seems no one cared that he was hurt or getting kidnapped.  People were giving me weird looks but I didn't mind. I was used to it.
      After a few minutes of walking I made it to the headquarters of my boss and comrades. I put him in the medical bay and had him checked out and treated for any wounds. After I made sure I was listened to I went to my boss. "S-sir.. it's me, Jay.." I said. "I've returned with him.. he's in the medical ward getting treated. I don't think he was getting enough attention after his fights. When I was retrieving him, he passed out. The poison shouldn't have been affecting him at all." I added, a little nervous.
   "Good job jay. Your free for the night." He said. I said something and went back to the medical ward. When I walked inside I was terrified. He was laying on a table, his bandages and shirt removed to find any injures. Running down his spine was a nasty cut that never healed. I slowly walked over and noticed small cuts covered the rest of his body.
   "Is he gonna be okay..?" I asked.
    The medic looked up at me. "How he even was walking let alone fighting is beyond me. He should be in.. so.. much.. pain.." they said, realization hitting them. They're expression went from confusion to sadness. "He's been using his ability to block out the pain.." they add.
   I looked terrified. "I'll watch him when he can leave. He's not going back there. And if he did, what was the point of me getting him?" I asked, not expecting an answer.
   "He can stay with you. Tell him he can't use his ability to block out pain and should alert you if he needs anything." They said, wrapping his wounds up again. Once they were done, I picked Eldawin up and took him to my room. Walking inside, I put him on my bed and walked into the mini kitchen. Signing quietly, I made some tea. After the tea had brewed, I poured a bit of it into a mug and sat down by the bed. After a few minutes, I felt a sharp pain stab my mind and I screamed, dropping my mug. The mug shattered on impact and the pain quickly stopped. I looked up and saw a very panicked looking Eldawin.
   "Calm down.. everything.. is.. okay.. I'm not going to hurt you. And you better not be using your ability to eliminate that pain. You were taken care of well you were out by our best healer." I said, slowly picking the glass up.
   "Why.." he asked, sounding a little relieved as he stopped his ability.
   "Because, we want to make an offer. Though, I was only told to retrieve you. Since you passed out when I came to get you, I decided to let the medics take a look at you.." I said. "And if you don't mind me asking, how did you get that gash down your spine?"
  Eldawin was quiet for a few minutes then finally muttered "it was my boss... I failed a mission.." my happy go lucky smile quickly faded off of my face.
  "He did what..?" I asked, terrified.
   I felt like I could trust this stranger so I told him again. He looked worried. "I-I'm okay," I lied. I slowly reached my hand down, expecting to feel a searing pain... but nothing happened.  Gaining a little bit more trust in him, I ruffled his hair. Slowly, his happy go lucky smile returned.

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