1 ~ Window;Snow

10 2 0

She takes a seat

at the edge of my bed.

She hasn't been 

here in a long time, no, 

as we sit by the window,

her breasts pressed 

against my back-

Both of us laugh. 

There's never been anythin' more fun, yeah, 

than gettin' underneath her layers-

Bein' hidden from the sun. 

Her hair's dark, which contrasts

well against the snow

that falls just right above her lips. 

I wanna see her dancin', again, 

right above my dick, yeah, I need

to hear her voice in person, 

'cause -- and I know this is polarizin', but --

I can't stand that lack of human-connection. 

This digital world 

has just been takin' away too many Christmases, 

and I just wanna see 

her... for all she is- 

Neck up, proud, and naked. 

(will Wattpad take this down? lmao) 

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