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I grabbed the door handle unlocking the tent then quietly and slowly began to reveal the outside.

Cold air entered sending goose bumps along my spine. When the sealing was completely open I poked my head out and looked around.

My eyes soon stopped wondering when it landed on the horrific scene before me.

Two people, I couldn't see their faces well but one of them was harming the other. Anger bubbled through me. How low of a person do you have to be to harm another? The tall person shoved the shorter one to the ice cold ground and began to kick, thrusting their leg repeatedly.

Whimpers and screams were heard from the individual lying on the snow. I turned back into the tent and looked quickly for the metal crow bar I carry with me. Once I found the long hard object I braced myself and went over to the tall person, he was a man and the poor bleeding and hurt person on the icy floor was a also a guy a little older than I.

With adrenaline coursing through my veins I grabbed the weapon readily. Silently but quickly I made my way up to the man, his back facing me. For a split second the teenager was looking at me. I put my finger to my mouth signaling for him to stay quiet about my presence.

With the bar in my hands ready like A bat, I swung my arms forcefully, aiming towards the abusive mans head. One swing was all it took. I heard a thud and looked down. the man had become unconscious, his head lying on the snow. I made a mental note to myself to tie him to a tree with some rope I had found a few days earlier.

A wound had formed due to the force of my hit and thick blood began to trickle onto the white snow.

The guy that had just gotten hit stood up slowly from the ground, grunting and holding his side.

"Are you alright?" I questioned.

"Yea," he breathed "I'm fine" he began to limp away.

"Hey," I called to him "wait" he continued to limp through the thick snow covered ground. "do you even have somewhere to stay?" I question.

And with that he stops in his tracks, turning slowly to face me. "And how do I know that your not gonna kill me and take my little to none supplies?" He burst out.

"I'm not like that," I explained "how do I know that you aren't gonna kill me and take my supplies?" I question the guy.

"I'm a human not a cruel bitch" he humored.

"Then why don't you stay until you feel better at least, yeah?"

He puffed, his breath visible. He turned to look behind him and nodded his head as he followed me to the tent.

Once inside I put the extra care package on my lap while he sits in the corner, watching. I finally find what I'm looking for and pull out the extra sleeping bag. I pass it to him and help I him set it up.

"Soo... what's your name?" I Wondered out loud.

"Louis," he returned. "you?"

"Harry" I mumbled. After we finished setting up his side of the tent I passed him a can of beans and a reusable spoon, knowing that he was most likely hungry.

"Thank you" he coughed. He tried to open the can but his hands began trembling, the cold being the cause. I slowly reached my hands out, being careful so that I don't startle my new companion.

Louis handed me the can and I opened it for him while he blew on his hands, trying warm them up. He muttered another thanks as I went to find excess blankets, which was the item I had fewest of.

Thinking of a quick solution I got my blanket and wrapped it around his shoulders. I soon sat down beside him.

"Where were you sleeping before?" I quizzed curiously.

"Umm just anywhere that seemed to be safe, when I was in line for one of the safety packs they ran out" he chattered.

"oh," I spoke softly thinking about how I would feel if I had no tent at all "well if you want to you can stay as long as you'd like" I smiled. I then got the empty can putting it to the side and giving Louis one of the two safety packs I had gotten.

Soon enough we were both in our sleeping bags, staring at the covering above us.

I really hoped that Louis would stay because when you have no one to count on when such a scary event is taking place you get lonely and frightened.

I want to know him better though. I want to trust him in not betraying me or stabbing my back, I knew so little about him and him about I.

I made a note to myself to find out more about each other tomorrow. I don't know what but there is something about him that makes my tummy tingle.

Right when I'm about to drift off into a peaceful sleep I hear the tent door open and look up. Louis is peeking out the tent, he looks back at me and then out again.

My mind is buzzing with questions like why he is doing what he's is doing but before I can form the question Louis says "the man isn't there anymore and I'm pretty sure when we find him he's gonna do more than just kick and punch"

That's when I realize my crowbar is no longer with me. My throat feels tight and I feel a ball forming there also.


Gets guys I hope you liked this. Press the vote button to vote for one direction. Jk but do it if you want to 😂 I really like what this story is about but I also want to update more but like no one reads it😢 but that's ok because you guys are the real MVP and I don't know where I'm going with this tbh. oh and no control is 😍😍😍 (my grammar is 👎 sorry I will try fixing the mistakes)

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