chapter 1

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The night was beautiful. The sky not quite black, with hits of blue adding color to the usual dark abyss. Silver starts dotted the sky shining alone with the moon. A large palace stands with the sky but unlike the silent world around it the castle was alive with energy. Inside its large wooden doors in the largest ball room was a traditional celebration. The welcoming of a new minister of magic for the kingdom. The fairy god mother was passing her position down to the princess of Auradon who had become immensely powerful over her teen years. The princess had mastered dark magic and was still working to learn light magic, but still the king Benjamin declared she was ready for her new position and threw her an elegant ball to celebrate in the traditional fashion.

As the party continued no one noticed the girl who slipped out the castle door. Once she quietly shut the wooden door, she released a large breath and looked behind her. The girl then tried to sprint down the stairs. Her long braid flew behind her along with the elegant blue dress she wore. She decent of the stairs when quickly, but to her surprise got stuck to the second to last step. Looking down she saw that her healed shoe was somehow attached to the stair. The girl began to panic and pull on her right leg trying to pull herself away from whatever invisible substance was keeping her in place. She let out an irritated sigh as she looked at her stuck foot. Roughly she grabs her braid and bundles it in her arms in a way to try and avoid being stuck by her hair as well. The girl then sat one step above her stuck foot on a stair she knew she wouldn't get stuck to since she had made it past it before with no problem. With her arms full of her hair she crossed her legs at the knee and leaned back thinking of what to do to solve the number of problems she was worrying herself with.

The girl was still adjusting to her new life back on the mainland. It had only been a few months since she has returned from her prison sentence on the isle. Even though she had grown up on the mainland the transition back into this lifestyle was hard. The six months she spent on the isle had changed how she lives her life. When she first came back it was the hardest for her. Her first week back on the mainland was filled with interview after interview. Sometimes it was just a friend wanting to catch up with her since she's been gone for so long. Other times it was irritating news reporters, some were positive and amazed by her story, but others tried to tear the girl apart and prove that she was still evil. The final people who pulled her aside for interviews was the government. The old king and queen even sat her down at one point. The girl could only describe her interview with them as an oral exam on goodness which ended with her not only passing but extremely irritated. One she was dismissed she left the room in an overly exaggerated version of proper princess behavior as a more passive response than she would have used if she was still on the isle. Once out the door however the girl casted a quick silencing spell on herself and proceeded to scream and pull at her long locks of hair. A witness to the event even mentioned that he thought he saw flames beginning to spark on the girl's skin. Once she calmed down, she released herself from the silencing spell and used a hint of magic to make herself presentable once again. Holding herself proudly she walked down the hall nodding at the poor worker who saw her laps of elegancy as she passed.

Her weeks following the endless interviews, that thankfully slowed greatly when King Benjamin got involved, were still not the perfect princess fantasy she was thought to have. The royal family, King Benjamin and his parents, the highest members of the court, Lady Mal of the isle and Sir Carlos of the isle, with the help of the ambassadors, Evie and Jay of the isle, all began to train her to be a proper princess as well as made it so her public image was something that was not entirely true. To the public the princess was a beautiful loving girl with elegance flowing through her body. With ever step she spread hope for the citizens of the kingdom, and she used her beautiful magic powers to create good. While it was true that she was beautiful and loving, as well as the fact that she used her magic to create good when needed, the princess was not this black and white of a person. Outside of the public eye the girl often fought with herself. Any and all negative emotions she had felt throughout her day are released in burst of magic. These magical bursts are usually destructive being made up of fire more times than not. One time in a fit of rage the princess accidentally sent a swarm of bees into the castle. Another contrary thing about the princess that was widely believes was that she spread hope for everyone. While most people do look at her in a hopefully way, she knew at least one person had no hope. It was herself.

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