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Hi, my name is y/n. I'm not like other girls, I am quirky. I only have one best friend, schploodle. Hé's a skinny legend. I wish I looked like a model, but I weigh 1 pound more than your average sized model. My hair is dark Brown and I hate my green orbs.

My rich mum who hates me woke me up and told me to get dressed. I washed my face, put my hair in a messy bun and put on my emo clothing. I looked in the mirror and my green, sad orbs stared back.

When I got downstairs after saying goodmorning to my stepbrother Harry, I saw schploodle waiting for me in the doorstep. I did not eat, because I'm actually a vampire.

After Schploodle and I got to school, we saw my bully. A blonde girl named Jessica Anne Rose Patricia Stefanie Regina Marling. Her boyfriend is a football player. He is soooo hot, but he would never fall for a girl with green orbs like me.

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