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' '𝘾𝙧𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙨𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪' '


𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞

"What's wrong Mattia?" The honey skinned boy looked at the small wasian with eyes as red as blood.
Kairi started back with eyes of sorrow and worry, no matter how angry Mattia made him he stood by the elders side no matter what.

"Nothing babe." Mattia stared at Kairi for a little longer until the other turned his his attention to the knock on his plain white door that read "Kai's Room"
"Who's there?" Kairi turned his head to face his door.

"It's grandma dear" Kairis eyes widened in excitement as he ran up to open the door for his grandma.
"I missed you so much" Kairis sudden change in language surprised Mattia as his eyes widened at the sudden switch, which did not go unnoticed by Kairis little grandmother.

"Who must this is my little kioshi ?" As Kairi was hugging his grandfather his small grandma made her way to his phone. "That's not how to say that dami" Kairis grandfather snickered as his cute wife smacked him.
     "How to say Kioshi?" Kairi giggled at his adorable little grandma "It's 'who must this be' baba." Mattia sat on the other side of the screen beyond confused. "So kioshi are you going to introduce us to this boy." Now Kairis grandfather was all in the camera and Mattia chuckled at the cute pair.

   Kairi was a little hesitant about it. He had never told the other about his Japanese heritage, it's not that he was ashamed. There was no reason he didn't tell him, he just didn't.
So whenever Mattia was at his house he made sure it wasn't so easy for Mattia to find out.

  "This is Mattia. Mattia these are my moms parents." Kairi introduced them as his grandparents inspected him. "He's not Japanese I no approve. What happened to Naoki? He was a nice gentleman." Kairi giggled as his grandma tried to form a sentence when his grandpa corrected her.
   "Its 'He's not Japanese I dont approve.' Stupid. And dont ask of his personal life." His grandma gasped as they started arguing in Japanese. "We'll be downstairs Kioshi. Nice to meet you Mattia." Mattia smiled and waved back.

    "He's so impolite he didn't even bow !" Kairi smiled as he closed his door.
He sat back down in front of his now very confused friend. "So you speak Japanese?" Mattias eyebrows were raised in confusion. "Who is this Naoki, and why did she say gentlemen? Also why does your grandpa know English but not your grandma?" Kairi was overwhelmed with the questions but prepared for them.

     "Yes I speak Japanese. I also speak Thai and Korean, and my grandpa speaks English because he studied here in the states as a child. As for Naoki, he's a guy my grandparents wanted to set me up with, and they said gentlemen because I'm gay."

"You're gay?" Kairi nodded slowly. He just came out to his bestfriend. Over facetime. On accident.

     A few seconds of bitter silence filled the cold air. You could hear a pin drop. Tears filled Kairi's eyes as he held his head down.
"Woah, Kairi what's wrong?" The tall Italian boys eyes filled with worry. "I knew you wouldn't accept me. I'm sorry, to have disappointed you like this Mattia."

  Seeing the small boy like this, eyes puffy and red, tears running down his face, his little sweater paws wiping them away, and vulnerable made Mattia coo at the cute little Japanese boy. He hung up the phone threw his shoes on and ran downstairs.

"Mattia dove stai andando?" Before he could reach the door he heard his dad yell. "To Kairis !" He heard his dad walking towards him "So, Kairi huh?" Mattia chuckled as his dad placed his arm on his shoulder with a teasing smirk.
   "No papà. We're just friends. Nothing more." It was quiet for a while as his dad stared at him mischievously. "If that's what you say. A'ight arrivederci." Mattia ran outside taking the car keys with him.

   He drove all the way to Kairis house, full of excitement. A stop sign was what stopped him. As he stayed there he stared at the beautiful sky covered by gray clouds as little drops of rain started to lightly fall against the thin glass.
    He continued driving until he finally reached his bestfriends house. As he pulled in he noticed his baby sitting on the window seal admiring the lighting that stuck every few seconds or so.

  He got out of his car and walked up to the brown door softly but firmly knocking. "Coming! Oh hey honey come in, Kai's upstairs." He softly smiled as Kairi's mom pulled him in for a tight hug.
   "Beofre you do you might run into my parents, just bow slightly and say hello they're very old fashioned." She whispered very slightly into his ear. "Ok then." He was slightly nervous as he seen them sitting at the table.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you both in person." He bowed slightly in respect as the old lady's eyes widened and her face turned slightly pink at how tall and respectful he was. "Nice to meet you son I am Riku Nakamoto and this is my wife Yua." The old man got up and shook his hand very firm while his wife sat behind him slightly blushing.
     "Why yes I am Yua Yamamoto." She shook his hand lightly as her husband glared at her playfully.  "Oi, I'm still your husband." She glared back. "Oh, yes you are." Mattia laughed and bowed once more. "Well I should be heading upstairs." They all said their goodbyes as Mattia ran up the stairs to Kairis room.

  He took a deep breath as he knocked on the door, waiting for a response. "Who's there?" The youngers voice was scratchy to show he was and had been crying, Mattia admitted he felt a small chill run down his spine.
      He knocked again. "Gosh damn it." He heard shuffling on the other side until the heavy white door was opened revealing a small wasian boy wearing a long black hoodie that said 'arrivederci bitch' that stopped at kairis knees so he couldn't tell if the other was wearing shorts or not. But the one thing he noticed was that the hoodie was his.

   Then there it was, that small tingle down his spine once again as the smaller looked up at the tall Italian boy, eyes red, face stained with tears and cheeks flushed red.
   "Hey." He said as he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "H-hi." As the elder smiled at him the small boy felt tears run down his face. He was now full on sobbing. "Aw baby c'mere." Mattia cooed at his bestfriend.

  Kairi's body made it's way towards the other as Mattias arms found their way around his waist. They stood there for a bit, hugging in the quiet.

𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐓𝐰𝐨

Kairi and Mattia are only friends at the moment, they're just very affectionate. As for Kairis grandparents they were brought up at the last minute so their names and everything were done with research.

  I also dont know very much about Italian families or Japanese family traditions so I apologize in advance.
Kioshi mean quiet, they call him that for a secret reason you will find out

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