One Thing Left To Do....

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it was around 6:30 pm, a half hour before the party was supposed to start, when Biana FINALLY chose a dress, some sparkly sapphire blue heels, and had her hair all done in an intricate bun, when they made their way downstairs for a quick dinner.

but when they reached the bottom of the stairs, Alden and Della were already waiting for them. which Sophie understood for Biana. where she got confused though was when they pulled her into their family group hug.

"you girls look beautiful." Alden said with a soft but proud smile brushing his lips. he reached out and pulled a loose strand of hair out of Sophie's face and tucked it behind her ear, making sure he didn't ruin her golden curls.

after that it was so quiet, Sophie could have sworn she heard a mouse squeak from the 3rd floor of their ginormous house. and it was around the time that she counted to 142, that Biana broke the silence.

"well thank you father." she said that last word with a hint of tease in her voice as she curtsied with such grace, an experienced dancer would be jealous and as her gown spread out beneath her. 

she turned to Della. "so what's for dinner mom? i'm STARVING."

Della let out a melodious laugh. "of course! of course! follow me girls!". she waved her hand over her shoulder as she turned around and made her way towards the kitchen. when they reached their destination, they were hit by an overwhelming aroma of sweetness and spice, that made there mouths water on the spot.

Della, seeing the look on both of their faces, grinned and gestured to the beautiful showcase of food standing tall behind her. "now don't eat too much. i don't want any of you throwing up on this special night". she winked again clearly in Sophie's direction as she elegantly walked back the way they had come. 

but before she turned the corner she looked back at them one last time. "and girls?" she waited until they had taken their eyes off of the food and had given her their full attention. "make sure to have fun tonight because i will expect a full report of any um-" she cleared her throat "electricity that happens to take place tonight." she smiled and winked again before she turned and walked around the corner leaving a confused Biana standing next to an even more confused Sophie.

she knew she still has feelings for Fitz. so what was all that talk about electricity?

she turned to Biana raising an eyebrow indicating if she knew what Della was talking about. but all she got in return was a shrug and an innocent look, which she took not giving it another thought as they started on their dinner.

And boy what a dinner it was!

there were all sorts of food that Sophie found hard to even describe! there were squishy vegetables that looked like slugs, soups, desserts (mostly custard bursts, and Mallowmelt which they finished VERY quickly). but there were also other foods that she had never seen before.

one (Biana had explained) was called Riggor-Root soup that sophie noticed tasted like spaghetti and meatballs. But Biana explained that if she were ever to come across one growing outside in the wild, she was to contact an adult and to not touch it. because apparently it can cause some sort of sickness the elves haven't made a cure for quite yet. the only reason it was edible, was because physicians and cooks, have blended it with a specials cooking powder that gets rid of it's toxicity. 

and normally it was facts like these that would bore Sophie, but she actually found the topic quite fascinating.

after the brief lesson on the plant, they quickly finished eating and made there way to the front door where a note tied in pretty ribbon was hanging on the doorknob. Biana took the note, unfolded the paper and read the note aloud:

tell Grady and Edaline we say hello! and remember, have fun and DON'T KISS ANY BOYS!

                                                                                                   - Mom and Dad

Biana finished reading the note and sighed, her lips twitching at the corners of her mouth. she then folded the note and shoved it in her purse as she looked up at Sophie a real smile creeping up her face. "you ready to go?" she asked looking more excited than Sophie felt.

she sighed. "as ready as i'll ever be".

"great!" Biana squealed. she hooked her arm around Sophie's as she shouted to the Leapmaster 500: HAVENFIELD!

and before Sophie had time to think about well... anything, Biana pulled the two of them into the light, where they glittered away.

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