Percy jackson and the unbeaten monster

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Percy started to get his things together so he could head out in the morning. Annabeth agreed to go with him to help with things so it doesn't get crazy. The next morning Annabeth got her stuff together  to meet Percy on top of the hill so they can head into town, Percy was really glad that Annabeth was coming with him. They were now girlfriend and boyfriend since last summer. Percy was relieved that he was alive, as  last summer was a very bad summer for the camp. Last summer was when Gea rose and almost destroyed the whole world. Percy and his friends were able to stop her just in time,  but it still sent the chills down his back when he thought about it. Percy was now heading up the hill when Charon came galloping toward him, Percy stopped so he could catch up with him, when he did Percy started to walk again. Charon was wanting to tell Percy something, Percy could tell be the way his eyes darkened. Charon finally found his voice when they reached the top of the hill " you have to be careful, and watch you back" said Charon, Percy wasn't surprised, Charon always said to be careful. But Percy didn't know what was coming, why he would need to be extra careful for what's coming.

Hey guys thanks for reading this is my first ever writing hope you like it!! 😊😉☺️

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