The unforgetable change

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Percy had made it to his house in one piece, Annabeth right beside him. The Monster had not yet found them, but was heading their way. When Percy made it to the house, his arms started to smoke and heat up. Annabeth gasped when she noticed it, Percy didn't want to scare her but he had to tell her, " Annabeth you have to listen to me, the monster is after me not you, you have to go back to camp and tell Charon about the monster" Percy said. Annabeth just stared at him and said " no way! I'm not going to abandon you right when there is a monster after you, besides your smoking and you might need my help" Percy Hated  it when she was right. But they didn't have a lot of time, they had to get to camp. So they grabbed their bags and headed toward the camp which was a few miles away. The monster must have caught their sent because they could hear it getting closer. Percy and Annabeth ran all the way there, when they got past the boundaries they heard the monster grunt. When Percy looked back, the monster was ramming it's head against the magic force shield. Percy and Annabeth then ran all the way to the big house. When they got there they found Charon and told him what had happened and why they were there. Charon said " must be careful I said, but you did not listen, you have woke the unbeatable one" but Percy  did not understand he didn't know what the monster was and didn't care. He just wanted to know how to kill him.

Percy Jackson and the unbeaten monster Where stories live. Discover now