Chapter 2

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I had been laying in my bed all night then it popped in my head " oh man i have homework" i said jumping out of my bed to my computer desk then i grabbed my backpack an got my home work out when i started doing it. I heard a knock at the door "who is it?" I asked "sweetie are you ok?" My mom asked me "uh yeah mom please just go away im busy" then a silence at the door. I guess she left. Unlike my dad my mom is sweet and humble she doesnt have a scary bone in her body she is super fragile. I cant think of a reason why she would be with my dad or why he treats her the way he does. Then my screen lit up.
Mark: hey hot thang whats up?
Larisa: what do you want?

I sat my phone down to complete my homework. When i hear yelling down stairs. Its my mom and dad he is yelling at her she probably didnt do something "right" so he'd say. I began to feel hot tears swelling up in my eyes holding back the tears i looked back at my phone
Mark: Nothing im really bored can i come over?

i wasnt really in the mood for company but seeing how if i didnt have someone to distract me i'd be on my bed crying my eyes out
Larisa: Sure why not.

Mark: k will be over in.....

i heard the door bell ring so i got up to run down the stairs. Usually my dad would have pushed my out of the way asking me who was at his house this time of day but he asked that at any time of the day. I opened the door "hey whats up?" I asked but Mark was already pushing pass me headed up the stairs "didnt i tell you? Im bored damn woman so many question" i followed behind him "well this is my house" he sat down on my bed " oh really i thought it was your "dads" thats what he said last time he slammed the door in my face" i looked at him with a half smile "well thats just him" he layed down picking up my remote turning on the tv "haha i see he is having a party with you mom down stairs that poor little woman" he wasnt making any of my problems better "so whats on tv ?" I said sitting down at the bottom of my bed "hm i dont know your big head is in front of the screen" he said then i moved out of the way well i got work to finish.

2 hours later i was done with my homework no thanks to Mark after poking me in the ear with pencils and throwing paper at me he finally passed out. Then my brother barged into my room "hey ugly face" he said going through my closet "uh excuse me thats my stuff" i went to get up to stop him when he pushed me back down an i fell on top of Mark. "What the hell is he doing here anyways?" He asked me as Mark looked up pushing me gently from off top of him " any other time babe i'd totally take that as a sign" he winked at me "but right now what the fuck man? Like do you not see how tiny SHE is an the fact thats a girl?" He asked him " haha maybe i thought it was you seeing how you look like one" he said to Mark "or maybe you feel she's on your level seeing how your a female" then he pushed my brother so hard he fell " oh you want your ass beat little man" my brother yelled getting up "can you see man? I dont know if you noticed but im taller than you"  but then my brother launched himself for Mark but Mark moved "your ass is so slow maybe is all that muscle on your body not enough in your head" he said mocking Bobby. When my mother came upstairs her eyes were red and she had bruises on her arms "that's enough boys Bobby please get out of your sister's room we have company that no way to treat a guest" Bobby looked at her grabbing my laptop "yeah whatever bitch i got what i wanted anyways" an pushed pass my mom. I ran over to her giving her a hug "mom are you ok?" She looked at me and smiled but i could see the sadness in her eyes "Im fine hunny" she said as she left out of my room closing the door "well you know you totally came on to me back there" Mark said before i turned around an he saw the tears running down my face "im so sorry i was just kidding i didnt mean to make you cry" he said trying to crack a joke but i just laid down in my bed an cried " you know you could always come be with Maggie an I? Me an you could share a room get married an have 90kids" he said lightly in my ear. I chuckled "oh shut up your such a perv" i sat up giving him a hug "but you always know how to make me feel better.

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