Precious Gem

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Don't let anyone tell you what to do
They are like best seller books, the self-help ones
Be a backbone: believe and support your words and actions
They don't know anything about you
Your dreams and hobbies, no they don't

You, yourself only know the answer
Be committed, Stay true to yourself
Don't let them tie you up, survive!
Everyone is born a hero, do not be a slave
Don't always use your wits, there's change bound to happen

When you stumble, get back up for
There are people willing to carry you
You are the only one ever;
You are unique: dream less, take action more
Be yourself, Stay yourself and Love yourself

No one is perfect, be a twinkling starlight
You are a limited edition: fly high and soar into the skies
There will always be people that like, copy or get jealous of you
So, just be you: have the courage, be brave enough and learn from mistakes
Do anything you need to be you: don't let others see your fake side

Don't regret, everyone has their own style
Bubbly, reserved, sensitive or thick-skinned
Find yourself: dig deeper, swim deeper, think bigger
We all have that passion: be your star
It's okay to be different, be your own rule

Everyone is different, there is no right or wrong
Be on beat, don't skip any!
Don't dream to live other people's lives!
Find your own spotlight, make it: shine bright
I'm being me, so be you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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