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The castle was extremely silent. It almost seemed that everyone had a siesta. The guard nodded outside the throne door, and a sleepy horse dragged a cart far on the street outside the palace garden. 

"What a lazy country" The prince mumbled to himself. He was getting bored waiting for the general to arrive. His own country would never tolerate late appointments like that. He only had to wait for the ball that night, so many rumors about the country's beauty contess, contessa, and princess. 

But he never regrets his choice to go to this place though. The palace was very beautiful. The wall was yellow-golden, filled with beautiful ornament everywhere, that glinted under the sun.  Besides their siesta time, the country was alright. The Royals were humble, and their King was super busy, unlike the people under his command. 

The sun climbed up and he sighed, retreating inside, since the sunshine started to burn his skin. A guard ran to him. 

"Yes?" He lazily answer.

"We are extremely sorry, but the General held up at the border by some extremist. He would be able to attend to you at night." 

The prince sighed. As I expected.

He nodded and said, "I will wait for him then." Smiling, the guard bowed and turned, reliefing him from the thought of duty.

The corridor ended in a turn, he nodded to the sleeping soldier beside a great ornamental arch, and entered a beautiful greenhouse. It was filled with so many tropical trees. In the middle was a wonderful water fountain. It was like he found a fantastic secret garden.

The ceiling above filtered the harsh sun, but letting in the rain. And the stream under the elevated ground fed the room with moisture and lowered the temperature greatly.

The prince walked and inhaled deeply the fresh glade. The air was extremely aromatic, it smells so good, it was not food aroma, yet, it was delicately delicious.

It was a mixture of flowers, water and something else he couldn't point out. 

It was delicious, but also beautiful but also nice...It made his stomach flutter, its something... something ...

Walking over bridges, through the trees, watching all the flowers blooming under and above him, he couldn't help but admire the gardener and all the effort and budget the king poured into this exquisite place. 

A barely opened lattice door was hidden behind so many flowers and trees, but the aroma getting stronger. Determined to track the source, he opened the door to found a great room hiding behind it. It was a mixture between library and lab. Afraid that he might enter a forbidden area, the prince closed and locked the door behind him, before walking further.

He still couldn't point out the aroma he followed.

Is it a secret flower species? New perfume?

The closer he was to the source, the stronger it affected him. His heart starting to beat faster, and he felt his hand sweating.

What is it?

Suddenly, he froze.

He found the source, but he couldn't even move.

His mind dizzy, his eyes almost jump from his socket from the view. 

A young woman, lying on the sofa, and the fragrance coming from her! Her platinum hair was all over her sleeping face. And what a beautiful sight!

Her long eyelashes curl like painting over her slightly rosy cheek.  And her nose, oh her nose. Cleopatra would be a pig compare to her.  Her hands were daintily hugging herself, under a soft tantalizing two silky mounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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