Chapter 2

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I was walking with Salem back to my house when I got a text message, it read I'm gonna be home Late tonight. it was my mum. I guessed that me and Salem would have night to ourselves so I unlocked the door and we stepped inside. "I'm so hungry" said Salem sighing "hey follow me" I replied, we both walked into my room and I felt around under my bed. I found what I was looking for and pulled it out. it was a shiny red flask with the words type b imprinted on the side. "where did you get that from" Salem said licking her lips, "I ordered it online" I replied pointing to my laptop. "we'll pop it open then" Salem continued hungrily, so I twisted the lid off and grabbed two plastic cups from my desk. I poured some of the delicious blood into the cups and as soon as they were full we grabbed our cups and drunk all of it. I could feel warmth and power surging through me sort of like a foodgasm. "uh you could a little something there" I said pointing to Salems chin where blood dripped down onto my desk, she quickly wiped it off and put her cup on the table. "that was delicious" she said happily, I nodded it wanted more but I knew if I used it all up I might not have enough money to buy more. I heard a key turning in the lock downstairs and the the door opened "Ash are you home" she called up to me I walked out of my room and Salem followed "oh hi Salem do you want something to drink or eat" said mum Salem said no because food or drink doesn't taste as good to vampires as it would to humans. "I have to go now" Salem said to me she said bye to my mum and kissed me on the cheek then left.

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