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"You have the nerve to smile hah?! Let's see if you can smile once I beat you to a pulp and eat you!" The demon prepared himself into a fighting stance like he's ready to pounce you anytime.


The demon lunged his self to you. You were fast, faster than the speed of light, the demon didn't even noticed you and the stick that you stabbed in his stomach.

"You think you can beat me with your stick dimwit?! HAHAHA! You are nothing but a useless brat! Useless brat!" The demon laughed like a crazy maniac, well, he is a crazy maniac.

"Or am I?" You smirked at the demon. "How about we play some game, some game called dart?" You added. You revealed all the sticks you gathered.

"I sharpened them as quickly as I could. They're as sharp as a knife you know." You held one stick in hand as you examined it.

"That won't help, I can regenerate and regenerate 'till the end of time!" The demon yelped.

"Well, here goes nothing." You whispered to yourself. You grabbed three sticks and threw it to the demon.

The force on the stick was too strong that it led the demon to stick at one of the trees.

"What was that just now? What a powerful throw." The demon hated to admit it but it did surprised him and surely left him in awe.

"Now that you're stuck on that tree, why don't we start our little game." You fearlessly went near him and started to spin him around, the stick still stuck in the demon's belly.

"GAAAAAAH! STOP! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!" The demon screamed in agony as you continue to throw sticks, purposely hitting him with it.

"Wow, I didn't know that a demon like you would be begging a mere human like me to stop torturing you like this." The demon had nothing to do but cry in pain, it was unacceptable for him to be vulnerable in the sight of a weak and fragile human.


"Honey~! Dinner's ready!" A lovely looking woman shouted at the other side of the door of their small house.

"Aww honey, what did you make for your strongest husband?" A man that was wearing samurai uniform suddenly came out from his room and started to caress his wife's big belly.

"Well, just the usual but I gave it a special twist since you're back from war." The lovely woman smiled sweetly at her husband.

Both the husband and wife now continued their conversation in the dining room. They both sweet talked each other, pleased to see both of their blushing faces until... Suddenly, there was a loud noise coming from outside their house.

"W-what's that Senshi?" The woman cowered in fear as she held her big belly containing their first ever child.

"Stay here, I'll come out and see what's the ruckus about. Protect the baby and wait for me, I'll come back for you Shiji." The said husband held tightly on his katana and stepped out of the room.

Shiji, the wife, was sweating as hell as she could only over think about what could happen to her husband.


After a few minutes the door of the dining room suddenly shuffled. It scared the woman but also relieved her thinking it would be her husband. But still, the anxiety was still there.

"S-Senshi?" The woman said, almost whispered, as she slowly stood up.

As always, curiosity kills the cat so the woman slowly but surely opened the door.

The woman was filled with relief as she saw her husband with bloodied clothes and his head down.

"Oh my! Senshi, you're safe." The (dumb) woman hugged the man without having a second thought.

"My Senshi~ AAAGHH!" The woman screamed her lungs out as, her supposed husband, eat her neck.


The husband, that is now a demon, ended up eating his wife and the baby inside his wife.

"This... I will not... Forgive myself... But instead, f-forgive my... Wife, f-for doing... Those what she did i-in the past."


The demon was now back into his consciousness, realizing that he had been crying because of his dream.

"T-that's right, my name is Senshi... Means warrior. And Shiji, my l-love. U-uuuuh." The demon started to cry even more, when on the other hand, you stopped throwing sticks at him as you finally regain your sanity.

You were now on your knees, tears flowing from your eyes.

'Is this what mother wanted me to be? To become one of those guys who kill their own creature? I mean, yeah, they're demons, human who turned into demons. There's still humanity in them for sure.'

As you continued arguing with your own mind, the sun was already rising up.

"S-Shiji..." You looked up to see the demon slowly disintegrating. Those were his last words.

"Blergh..." And that, were the words (or sounds) that you let out after what happened.

It seemed that running and flipping around made your stomach twisted. And even seeing blood everywhere made your mind spin around. God! You hate blood.

"Good work." A sudden female voice was heard behind you.

You quickly turned around to see a woman with a cat mask on.

"W-who...?" You were confused (and tired to even complete a sentence). Was this woman been watching you beat the shit out of that demon? If so, why didn't she help you?

"That was... Incredible! (Y/N)-chan!" The woman cheered joyfully. Oh now you know who it is.

"H-Hare-sama!" You accidentally shouted.

"You were so cool out there dear!" Hare removed her cat mask and hugged you tightly.

As she finally let you go, you finally said, "Why didn't you help me?! Do you know how scared I was?! IwassoscaredIthoughtIwasgonnadie!"

"Woah there deary, breath in will you?" Hare calmed you down but all you did was aggressively inhale and exhale.

"Please don't breath like that, that'd be danger..." You didn't got to finish what Hare said as you finally fell into unconsciousness.


If you guys think she's op *breaths in aggressively* IM TRYING NOT TO MAKE HER MARY SUE.

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