Honey, let's dance

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"C'mon, Cas!"

The sun over Chicago was shining bright, blinding his eyes but yet he still can see the beautiful smile that is standing in front of him

"Dean, we need to becareful. People might observe us" he whispered harsly to his lover who start dragging him somewhere "you'll know what happened if they know"

His lover, Dean throw him a mischievous smile and get into his personal space, Dean is standing too close that he can smell Dean's cologne. Too close for a couple should be standing but they're not a couple in public

He had to shove him away from him. He doesnt want Dean to get hurt because of something that can be avoided "Winchester, get your arm off me" he pretend to be mad at Dean for the act

"Chill out, Cas there's barely people here beside, it's not they are going to assume we are queers because I wrapped my hand around your shoulder" Dean says then he bend down to Cas's ear and whisper "but I like to wrap my hand somewhere else"

"Dean!" he shouted "shh Cas" Dean had the audacity to shush him after saying that in public where anyone could hear if they have good hearing and probably beat them up

"Shh, Cas I like it when you're being loud but not in public" Dean whisper, again throwing his arm around his shoulder and pretend they're long term par- er friends joking around

He sigh and look everywhere else in Chicago instead of facing Dean with his dumb sexual jokes. He look over the cars on the road, the tall buildings, the people walking at the side of the street until his attention landed on someone with white suit and a rose on the said person pocket. He panicked and quickly nudge Dean on his side "Dean, can we go home now?" He ask his lover

"Why? What's wrong Cas?"

"Just can we go home now? Im not feeling well"

Dean looks at him concernly but go after him anyway
"Did I alert a sharpy?"

"No, dear you did not I just saw someone I didn't expect to see"

Dean sat beside him on their bed, carefully wrapped his arm and lay his head on his shoulder. Dean softly kiss his cheek and ask him "do you want to talk about it?"

His thoughts start to run from one place and other. He never knew how to approach this subject or hell, thought about having this conversation with Dean

Dean noticed what effect his question had on him and take his hand and whisper to him that it's alright if he dont want to tell him about it but it's not that he doesnt want to tell him is just that he doesn't know how to

"Come here, Novak" Dean pulls him up to their bed and make some space for him to lay down and cuddle with for the night

"Good night, Dean"

"G'night, Cas

But they never sleep that night, they lay in each other's arms with their legs tangle one other. Wishing that some day they can just hold each other's hand without people staring or beat them up. A world where love between a man and a man is not a problem, or a love between a woman and a woman

"Cas" Dean whisper

"Yes, Dean" he pretends to sound tired  like he was actually sleeping and not thinking unbelievable thoughts for thirty minutes, also adding yawn to the childish act

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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