Merry Christmas, Campers!

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*Chris comes on humming jingle bells* "Merry Christmas Campers"! All of the season one contestants are in a row. "Merry Christmas to you to viewers it has been a year or two or three or four or five since you have been here". *Chris looks at the cold campers* "Why are we here in the middle of the night?!" Asked Duncan.  "Well", continued Chris, "as you can tell the lake has frozen from the cold and has turned to ice so even with only an inch of ice(which our ships could clearly breakthrough) we had to get you now". "Why did you not just wait to the morning when the ice melted?" Harold asked. "well uh you see heh heh" Chris mumbled. *Duncan starts cracking his fists* *Chris gulps* "Chef please escort our campers to their past cabins". *Chef grunts and starts pushing the campers in two groups, boys and girls separately, then shoves them in their past cabins*. Geoff hits his head on the floor and yelps in pain. "Do any of you have an aspirin?" Geoff asks. DJ looks at something outside. "Could it be?" he asks  "What do you see out there bro?" Asks Geoff. "It's It's Bunny!!!" DJ yells. *DJ runs outside* "Aw yeah it is bunny after all these years!!!!!". "Whatever, Ezekiel says, let's just go to sleep okay". *All of them get into their beds*.* Noah flips the switch to turn out the lights* All of them fall asleep instantly (except for Owen and Cody) Owens's stomach is rumbling and Cody is afraid that Sierra is going to ice skate over to camp wawanakwa. "Could you keep down your tummy grumbles Owen I'm trying to sleep", says Justin. "Sorry," Owen says. Over at the girl's room, all of them are arguing about who gets which bed except for Izzy and Bridgette. Who, Bridgette is covering her head with a pillow so she can't hear anyone and Izzy is jumping on the top bunk. "Isn't this fun Bridgette?" Izzy asks. Meanwhile Gwen, Heather, and Leshawna are fighting as usual. Katie and Sadie are playing pattycake and Beth and Lindsay are talking about France. Leshawna ends up getting mad and turning off the lights anyways. *The next morning* On the loudspeakers Chris says,  "guess what cold campers, someone skated across the lake to see you guys". "What?" Cody mumbled as he got up. "Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!" he screamed as he saw sierra on top of him. "I knew it!" he screamed as he started running through the cabin sierra close in trail. "Come to me Cody-kins" she yelled at him. *Harold wakes up and slaps himself in the face* "you have got to be kidding me" Harold said. "Well this is a surprise," Duncan said sarcastically. "Can't say I didn't see this coming though" yelled Cody as he was still running. Geoff went outside in his T-shirt and shorts. "I forgot that it was winter," Geoff said once he came inside. "Yessssss!" Owen screeched, "I get to try out my new snowsuit". "Oh brother", said Noah. On the loudspeakers, Chris said, "welcome to total drama winter I'm telling you viewers this on the megaphone because it is cold!". "In this, all-new season our original  22 campers are now back for an all-new exciting twist on the show". "As in the past seasons, our campers have been alone and fighting to win 1,000,000 dollars and this season only has one change, you will be with your boyfriend or girlfriend and if they are not here we are calling them as we speak" Chris giggles "Let the games for 1,000,000 dollars begin!!!!!". "Well, it is a good thing I skated here right Cody-kins," asked Sierra. "Sure thing" Cody grumbled. In an hour all the couples were back together with their season 1 Boyfriend/Girlfriend. Duncan and Courtney were screaming at each other. Chris points at them, "This is half the reason I did this". He now points at Courtney and Gwen fighting, "This is the other half". "We can't do this" Duncan, Trent, Gwen, and Courtney said. "Well sorry but maybe you'll learn to love each other again because for the next 16 weeks you will be staying in one room together ALONE" Chris replied. "16 weeks it was always 8?" yelled Duncan. "Well it is for the whole winter," Chris said. So then once all the couples were lined up Chris set the first challenge. "The first challenge is to do the ice frozen lake tag-team swimming challenge," Chris said. "We have got this down in the bag," Geoff said to Bridgette. "Well since you two are so eager, care to go first?" Chris asked. "With pleasure," said Bridgette. "Okay I have never seen someone so willing," Chris said. "Geoff go stand at the halfway mark and when Bridgette emerges from the water and tags you go swim the rest of the distance" Chris instructed them. "Ready, set, GO!!!". And like that Bridgette shot off, it only took about 25 seconds for her to get to the halfway mark gasping for breath. Than Geoff took off, it only took him about a second over Bridgette's time. "And with that Bridgette and Geoff gain invincibility!" shouted Chris. "Who's next?" he asked. The whole camp went dead silent. "Okay then we'll do a different challenge," Chris said.  All the campers sighed in relief. "Our next challenge will be skiing down the whole cliff," Chris said. "Not off of it though, one of our interns made that mistake and is still in rehab". Cody shuddered. "Aw Cody are you not feeling well here you can have my jacket," Sierra said. "No I am fine," Cody said. "Even a shudder makes Sierra go off the rockers" Cody whispered to Trent. Trent laughed and Gwen socked him in the stomach. "Go!!" Chris yelled. All the teams except Geoff and Bridgette started going down the hill. "Enjoying the time up there?" asked Chris. "It's better than hitting a tree," said Geoff. The couple in first place was Owen and Izzy because Owen was picking Izzy up and throwing her. Close in second was Alejandro and Heather who were going as fast as they could. Third place was Harold and Leshawna. In dead last was Duncan and Courtney who were fighting. "Come on princess we need invincibility if you want another chance with me," Duncan said. "Fine let's go," Courtney said. Soon they were gaining and were in 4th place but then Izzy and Owen crossed the finish followed by Alejandro and Heather, in 3rd was Harold and Leshawna and then Courtney and Duncan. "Well, now Owen and Izzy also have invincibility". "Campers later meet me at the campfire for who is eliminated," Chris said.


"Well, it has been an eventful first day eh?" "Yeah, it has," Chris said. "I will not be passing out marshmallows I will just call up the loser and they will leave on the polar plunge of shame" "The losers of the first day are..." "Noah and DJ," Chris said. "You guys weren't even trying and you are not dating anyone so bye". "But Ezekiel is not dating someone, Beth is not dating someone, Justin is not dating someone," said Noah. "Yes, but at least they tried" "You were reading a book and DJ was trying to teach his bunny tricks". Chris said. "So go to the polar plunge of shame and begone," Chris said. "Well that is the first two to be eliminated, and we will join you tomorrow on Total Drama Island Winter!!!" he finished. "By the way, all campers will receive a radio as we are parting for tomorrow's challenge," Chris said. "By the way Duncan, did I see you in prison, yes I recall we were cellmates once when I was in jail" Chris added. "Oh shut it," Duncan said. "Good night campers and remember you are sleeping with your season 1 couple (unless you're like Heather or Cody)," Chris said.

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