Nice And Quiet

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Dancing, spinning, moving. Forgetting troubles, school, life. That girl. In the middle of the corn field, making the farmer go crazy. All he shouts is dirty words, hoe, creep, freak. But for her it´s nothing more than moving lips. Shut off from the world, she hears nothing.

Walking, foot for foot. Thinking, talking in her head. On the middle of the highway. Making drivers go crazy. They honk, they shout, scream. What she hears? Nothing. Not a single buzz. Completely in her own world, she walks. On the middle of the highway.

Listening to music, people, traffic. But all she hears is silence. Shut off from the world, in her own head, own mind. She doesn't mind. Nice and quiet is what she calls it. Nice and quiet is what she gets.

Alarm bells, trains, busses. She doesn't hear it. Shut off from everything, everybody. She doesn't even know that something is happening. Too late. Too early is what she needed, too late is what she gets. Life is what she wanted. Death is what she gets.

Weird is what you call it, her own fault is what they say. Completely insane is what causes it and what she is. But her life? Nice and quiet is how it was, nice and quiet is how it ends. The life of a single deaf person, the rest of the world ignoring the reality.


AN: Krialler, x_Lumnious_x and Countrymusicfan77 made the awesome covers on the side! Thank you all for that!

Nice And QuietOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora