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Taehyung's POV

I never saw Jungkook as one to, well, just, snap. I still vividly remember the first time he did, well, at least, in front of me.

It was in the middle of the day, school was awful as normal, but nothing out of the ordinary. Well, untill this one kid, his name was Jackson, he punched me, nailed me right in the jaw. Jungkook had just rounded the corner, he saw it happen, saw Jackson's fist collide with my jawline. He just stood there for a few seconds, frozen. He didnt blink, he barely breathed, nothing moved. His eyes, narrowed and full of hatred, focused on Jackson. I remember seeing Jungkooks finger twitch, the first sign of movement from his otherwise unresponsive body. I began to worry when he started shaking, body vibrating lightly, tiny thumps coming from where his feet where lifting and touching the floor again. Then he breathed deeply, stopped shaking, moved into a normal standing position, and just overall, looked fine. He walked forward, holding his arm out to grab me, to help me up from where in had fallen from the impact. Once I was on my feet, he lightly pushed me to the side, I didnt know what he was doing untill it was already to late. He jumped on top of Jackson, pining him to the ground, his fists coming down one after the other, after the other, repeatedly abusing Jackson's face with insane punches. I ran forward, wrapped my arms around him and tried to pull him off. He threw his arms out to the side, pushing me off with such a force that I fell back to the ground. I didnt stop trying though, I got back up and wrapped my arms around him again, this time throwing my entire body weight back, ripping him off of Jackson, who was now a bloodied and bruised mess on the ground. When we landed, he didn't move, didn't speak, didn't even breath. He was frozen again, that's was, untill his body started shaking lightly again, it took me a few seconds to realize he wasn't crying, but laughing.

"Jungkook, why are you laughing," I asked, terror of unknown origins rolling forcefully through my body.

He pulled his head back, and the look written on his face sent a shiver down my back. Cold, humoured, hatred was what I could read on his features. The purest form of insanity sat at my feet, laughing mainiacly, as if the fact that someone lay on the ground, beaten to a pulp, because of him, was something everyone should find funny. Fir the first time, since we met, I was actually scared of him. I didn't find him to be protective then, just someone who found enjoyment in the physical and mental pain of others. Someone, who was a monster.

In that moment, I realized just how terrified I was, but the twisted thing was, I also realized just how, ok, I was with it. The initial spike of fear gone, I saw a man who, yes, may enjoy the pain of others, but also, only did it protect me. Hes never done this before, and the only reason he snapped was because the other person hurt me. If he only does it then, I wouldn't mind keeping him here with me, keeping him by my side. So I, now being ok with what Jungkook was doing, wrapped myself around him, snuggling into his chest, and breathing in his scent. He calmed down and grabbed my wrist, pulling me along with him, out of the school, and to his car. He opened the door, pushing me inside gently, closed the door, and walked around to the other side where he himself entered the car.

The drive to his place was roughly 15 minutes. Simple talk was made between us, nothing more. I held his free hand through the entirety of the drive, giving it a reassuring squeeze every now and then. We pulled to a stop outside of a set of apartment blocks, four stories high, and a good size for flore space in each one. It was simple, quiet, calm. I liked it, though it didnt really fit Jungkook's active, wild, athletic self. We went up to flights of stairs. Third story, fun, cant wait to fall off and die.

"I own two of these apartments, well the blocks anyways. Just in case you were wondering," Jungkook unlocked the door with a self installed hand scanner. He opened the block that was the scanner and pressed a button, "Come here and put you hand here. I want you hand print in the scanner system. They are linked up so once you out your print here it'll register in both."

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