27. Dad meets Jase

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Kara's prov

3 weeks later
I've been spending afternoon after afternoon with my dad learning everything about him even though he missed a lot and I did to.

It feels like we already get each other. The bad thing is... dad wants to meet Jase today and I'm hella nervous.

At school

"You have no reason to worry I'm the best babe." Jase says and winks at me. "Shut up" I say smacking his arm playfully. Since we were skipping and nobody was in the hall.

He grabbed my arm and pushed me against the locker and kissed me. I pushed him away and laughed. "Asshole" I say. "What" he says looking at me.

I look at him with a playful smile and said, "you are a asshole" then I ran for my dear life and he was running after me. Once he caught me we laughed and talked.

Finally school was over and we were on our way to my house. Once we got there I told Jase not to say anything stupid.

"Dad, Mom we're home" I yelled out. "Kara.. Jase hi hun, it's nice to see you again" my mom says and smiles. "It's nice to see you to Mrs. Smith" Jase says to my mother and she gets a huge grin on her face.

Then my dad walks in. "You must be Jase" he says looking at him and put his hand out to shake it. Jase dose the same. "Nice to meet you Mr. Smith." Jade says, and I smile and put my hands behind my back kinda nervous.

"Now listen I'm not gonna go all father style on you because you took care of Kara... when I couldn't. Also because your Charlotte's boy and she's a nice woman." He says and I smile at that because everything he said was so true.

We then all sit down and talk, after that mom asks me to help her cook and I say yes and we get up and leave.

Jase's prov

Once the girls got up and left it was awkward. "I know I said I wasn't gonna go all out but... all I'm gonna say to you is, take care of her, also why her?" Leo asked me not in a mean way just curious tone. I took a minute to find my words.

"Sir, before I met Kara I was a mess... my father left us and my mom had to give up her gang position." I said and he looked at me shocked.

He didn't say anything so I continued. "When I met Kara I stopped being a dumbass and got in line, excuse me for my language." "She made me realize I need to do good in life. Not just for others but for me." I said and he shook my hand.

"Ok son you have earned my trust... and my daughters don't screw that up." Leo says. We then eat.

After eating and talking I decided it was time to go home. So Kara walked me out. "Hey I have something super important to tell you Kara" I said turning around to look at her.

"Yeah?" She said with her adorable smile. "I- Kara I love you." She looked so shocked. Then she said the words that made me fall for her there was no taking it back.

"Jase I-I love yo too." She said blushing I then kissed her and it was a different it had so much passion and emotion. We then smiled at each-other and talked outside for a little. Then I went home not wanting to wait to see her again.

The unknown gang leader!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن