What happed 4 years ago?

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No one really knows what happened 4 years ago to the Chicago outfit Underbosses on that day. There are a lot of rumors of what happened but as far as I know it went something like this, the police had worked with the FBI to hit every racket in Chicago at once to cripple the mob at its finest. But the one thing they did not count for was that the outfit had spy's everywhere, in the middle of moving out of the were house the police hit. 60 people died in water gate that day 35 being cops and the other 25 being outfit... one of the five being my father, this is where it gets interesting...

November 27th 2019 2AM

The night my father was killed was the night my family's empire fell the twins were only 11 when it happened and they really did not understand what happened I guess that was for the best. My mother, me and the twins all changed our last name to Martinez, my mothers maiden name. My mother sold our house and bought a condo in downtown Chicago, I got a own pent house in downtown using a small bit of my savings, that's when I went from being the bosses kid to expendable,  I became the fixer of sorts, if you had the cash of course.

As I get in to my penthouse I toss my bag on the floor and go straight to the kitchen opening the fridge and drinking the orange juice out the container when I eye that my balcony door is open, I put the juice down and slowly move to the kitchen cabinet and grab a extra chip for my gun, I go up the stairs to my room load my gun and start looking around. I hear a small creak from the hall closet and duck behind the wall and watch for movement, seeing a man in black and a black bandana around his face peek out and check if the coast was clear, once he fully gets out and is heading for the stairs down I jump on to him and knock him out with my gun.

I move the unconscious man to my secure room and tie him to a chair and wait for him to wake up,

*an hour later*

I hear him groaning and struggling to get out of the chair "so Tyler Mason what are you doing in my house and tell me why I should not kill you now." He looks me dead in the eye with a fire in his soul "Because Im the key to getting you and your family the family business back from Marcano."

*four years ago in the safe house*

"Okay Luissa what the hell did you get me in to this time. I mean like I know you'd dad and all is a big man that does the mobs taxes but like why are we in a safe house and when did you get a gun let alone two!?" I splash some water on m face and take a breath as a tune Ty out, "Shut up for a sec" I say trying to think, I turn to Ty putting my hands on the counter trying to stay calm "Ty my father does not do the mobs taxes... he runs a racket he's a underboss." Tyler left speechless sits down, I check the both my guns and look at the coord docker..."

*back to preset time*
"Your lying you can't help with jack, I looked you up in ISAC, you are nobody from small farming town and now your a pizza boy for ciop pizza co." He spits on the ground and looks up at me "and you did not exist 4 years ago but yet right after the watergate scandal you appeared with a lot of guns and a lot of money. So Maria Martinez what happened to Luissa Cashmen that day hmm?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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