Beevis- Three Years Ago Pt. 3

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The young boy's shaky hand, with a single movement, ended everything he'd ever known.

The bullet whistled through the water, landing squarely between the eyes of the king... Beevis hated to think of himself as becoming an orphan in that moment. His thoughts didn't register what he'd done. Who he'd done it to.

He whirled around and entered the cockpit of his ship once again, and as he sat in the pilot's chair that made him feel like an atom, he mumbled, as if his brain had delayed the words, "Oxygen-cased bullets, very speedy. Stole them from you, dad." Gripping the steering bar, the prince flashed a small smile to himself.

The first smile in years.

The ship zoomed away into the darkness and past the blue. Beevis left Armin at the nearest land mass he could find, and breathed in his first real breath of oxygen.

His first real breath of air.

Distantly, he could still hear the tinny repeating chorus from his father's adoring subjects, "Prince Citnalta has left! Our king will be displeased! Prince Citnalta has abandoned us! Our king will be most displeased!"

That chorus never left his mind, and always grew during the boy's violent hours.

Sleuth's note- this one's a bit short, may expand it later. [That's what she said]

aNyWaY... this one is  short, it's kind of  terrible, but hey I wanna move on to some good old fashioned  Cuphead Gerald anxiety

Comment- what's your favourite part and do any of y'all have a favourite character as of yet? (Also, do y'all have some plot theories I can debunk or confirm?)

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