I Heard It Too

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Ludger's POV


I was sleeping peacefully until I heard a knock at my apartment door. I looked at my alarm to see that it was 3 AM in the morning. I sigh as I get up. I leave my room closing the door behind me. I hear another knock at the door.

Thirdperson POV

Ludger slowly walked to the door wondering what crack head was knocking on his door this late at night. Ludger sighed as he opened the door.

"Heyyyy Ludgerrrrrr!" Ronald McDonald said.

"Oh my g- what are you doing here?" Ludger sighed.

"Hey Ludger, want some Mickey D's?" Ronald asked.

'Freaking crack addict I swear...' Ludger thought to himself.

"Bye." Ludger closed the door.

"But the Mickey D's..." Ronald cried. Ludger just ignored him as he went back to his room and back to bed.

After finally falling asleep, Ludger wakes up to the sound of someone calling his name.

Ludger's POV

"Ludger, its time to get up." I hear someone yell. I look over at the clock to only see that it was 4 AM.

'What the heck...'

"LudgEr." The voice yelled.


"Ludger." The voice yelled.

"I swear if its you, Ronald, and your stupid Mickey D's..." I said as I sat up in my bed. I got up from my bed and walked toward my bedroom door.

"Ludger." I stopped in my tracks now recognizing the voice.

'Julius...? Why is he waking me up at four in the morning?'

"LudGeR." Julius yelled sounding a bit distorted.

'Jeez can't you just be patient? You're worse than Ronald and his stupid Mickey D's.'

I left my room and looked around. Julius wasn't inside the apartment room.

"LuDgeR." Julius yelled. It sounded like it was coming from outside of the apartment room.

'Yikes... I wonder if he's ok... he doesn't sound right... yikes.'

I slowly walked toward the front door. I was only half way there before I saw a figure that had Julius's face but its body looked like a very tall slender person. The arms and legs looked like they were broken. The entire body was black. I backed up slowly toward my room.

"LuDgER" The figure looking like Julius turned toward me.

'What the heck... that isn't Julius...'

I felt someone grab my arm and pull me into a room. I freaked out for a second.


I started flopping around. I hit the person, thing or whatever it was in the face.

Julius' POV

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