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I wonder if it's easier for us to accept things when they are told to us in rhyme,

I wonder if it makes a difference how nicely bad things were presented in the long run of time.

My hopes are that people are able to take things as they are, raw and without disguise,

but that's a silly thing to hope for others if all I feed myself is lies.

It is easier for me to pretend I am content, 

than it would be for me to restore myself from all the scratches and dents.

I stopped writing because I thought it was pointless, and that it wasn't helping me,

but perhaps I should have stopped other things and I would have realized stopping this wasn't the key.

How do I find a place to stop reading a human being?

There aren't clear chapters that we have access to seeing.

How do I find a place for me to settle and call home, 

when it is an option we all have to roam.

Maybe I am talking about it to try to answer a question of my own,

Maybe I never know.

I am always walking aimlessly through this life,

never knowing if I am headed toward nirvana, or if i'm walking down the end of a knife.

I can't determine if those I love know how to love me the way I do to them,

why is it so hard for everyone to admit in what feelings it is they swim.

Is it because love doesn't always rhyme?

after all, it is sublime,

until its not,

but by that time normally your feelings are already caught,

do we not like to feel stuck?

we fear that once you are, it is only down you will sink from there, damned to drown in such muck.

The scariest part of it all is If I say so,

that you really have no,

control, say so,

what happens in your heart isn't something you can just logically talk yourself out of.

And as much as I hate to admit it, love isn't something any of us are above.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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