Author Note

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Hi guys, sorry I've been meaning to update for a while. I haven't done so partly because I've been so busy and haven't been able to have much free time due to exam revision and college applications etc but if I'm being completely honest, when I do have some time, I can never be bothered to update this fic.
One reason being, I don't know where it's going, I have a ending planned and everything but I don't know whereabouts to put it because I don't want this fic to drag on and bore the readers.
The other reason is that I don't really like my idea at the moment and I don't think you guys really do either...

**I don't know really, but it would be really helpful if you comment if I should carry on or not & how many chapters you think I should do.**

Thank you all for the support so far, much love

Bec xox

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