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"You seem deep in thoughts." I was startled when I heard Tooth. She came in, without me noticing.
"Yea, I was." I answered. She sat in front me then smiled. She looked outside the window, I did the same. We were staring at the snowflakes falling. It was silent, a comfortable silence.

I was being ate by my thoughts again, but Tooth spoke and broke those thoughts.
"I'm curious." I took a quick glance at her, her eyes never leaving the sight of snowflakes falling.
"About?" I ask. She stared at me then asked, with a wide grin on her face. "Have you ever been in love, Jack?"

I smiled, and stared outside again.

"So..." I trailed off. I looked at her, she looks so eager to know my answer. "You can read minds?" I joked.
"Aha! Oh my goodness! It was just a wild guess-- I-- wait, I thought you were thinking of your Family but-- so I was right. Wow. So who is she?" She started talking, asking non stop.

I sighed, then asked her. "What's the Date today?"
"Its, twenty-two, December. Why?" I stared at Tooth, my thoughts is a mess. I don't know where to start, so I breathe in deeply then spoke.

"I've been in love, twice. But, I got my heart broken, thrice." Tooth's mouth fell wide open, I just chuckled reminiscing back.
"I..." Tooth came closer to me, eager for me to continue. "I first fell in love with Iduna. She was born in an enchanted forest, how we met was unknown to me. All I can say is we've known each since we're babies. Me and family visit that enchanted forest once in a while. Everything there was amazing, magical, but all those mesmerising moments there was nothing compared to Iduna, but, she never saw me like how I saw her. I was... I guess, friend zoned." Tooth gasped which made me stop then she said "No way! You? Jack Frost, THE JACK FROST GOT FRIEND ZONED?" This girl really thinks too highly of me. I shook my head then continued telling story.

"Until one day, there was a mist wall around the forest, we couldn't go through it. I shouted her name, countless, but there was no response. My Mom was telling me stop and we should go home, but I knew if I stop trying now, we'll never go back there... and I was right. Years passed, I still haven't forgotten about her. My accident happened, I became Jack... Frost, and the first good thing that happened to me after that accident was I saw her, Iduna again. There was this sudden feeling that enveloped me while I was sitting on a tree, then a wind blew like it's trying to carry me somewhere. I followed that wind, and every second that passed, my heart was pounding so hard. And from a far, I saw a castle. As I got closer, I heard cheering, bells and then there she was, breath taking like before... but she was next to a man, wearing her gorgeous smile and a white gown.

"The King and Queen of Arendelle!"

They all cheered. I never saw her that happy before. That day was the happiest day of my life, because I got a chance to see her again, and that's also the day I had my first heartbreak."

"I'm sorry, Jack." Tooth was in tears when I ended the story. "I... shouldn't have asked... I'm sorry if you were reminded of the pain again. I really am--" "Tooth, stop. It's okay." I cut her off then wiped the tear falling down her cheek. "I already moved on from that heartbreak. The heartbreak that I can't move on from was my third. But I can tell you the story if you want."

"Is it okay for you to tell? You said you still haven't moved on" Tooth asked. I nodded my head in response then said, "Yea, I haven't moved on, and I don't have any plan to. It's okay for me to tell, it feels good to tell someone about my past instead of keeping it to myself."

"So..." I began.

"I experienced my second and third heartbreak from one person, and her name is, Elsa. She's Iduna's Daughter."

Do you remember me?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant