goodbye my lover good bye my freind

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 julias pov 

I  creeped down the stairs and  walked to my brothers room  and  knocked a tired looking Stefan opened  the door. I  hugged him and inhaled his smell he  just stood there awkwardly.   I  let go and smiled I  then said "wait here "he looked confused but nodded.  I went to Damon's room and did the same thing I  then told him to "follow  me" he did   we went to Stefan's  room .  I sat on both of their laps  and they played with my hair "I'm  leaving" I  blurted out  they looked at me dumbfounded but for only a little bit they creased their eyebrows ,.

[enter long  akward  pause now]

I  smiled slightly  promise i will be  back  i said

 i will go to Confederate army when you re gone  Damon said

i shook my head and said i forgot to tell you something what i compelled you

what they both said 

i took a deep breath of air and said i was here when you were younger like i grew  up with you but  i had to make you forget 

why they said

it was dangerous he was coming and if he knew any man was near me that was not blood related he would kill you and i could not take that so i ran  and made you forget but your father remembers my mum and father they taught me to become something your father wanted so bad i added a sick smile  and said   i loved you and you will remember now i said looking them in the eye

fkashback [ the day she got her period ] age 12 damon age

 me and my brothers were walking hand in hand to the deli  to run some errands  we all were laughing at Stefan lame attempt to Cheer me up when i felt something  it dripped down my  leg i  gasped my mother had told me about this i  let go and ran to the woods i felt immense pain shoot through my lower abdomen  i whimpered then the pain  was shot again i felt myself change positions and  see a worried Damon and Stefan i snuggled into them  but it hurt more i whimpered and said i need to get something  i will come with you  they said i shook my head they looked hurt  but i said today is the day i finally become a woman their eyes widened and they blushed a Little bit i nodded and said  yes but they them shook their head and said i will be their for you  i smiled and said well lets go to then i smiled as we got there i learned how to put the thing and how to change it every 30 minutes 

flash back [the day her real mother died ill explain in authors note ] age 5 Damon age 7 Stefan age 5

my mother is dead she is gone after everything  is gone i will be an orphan  an d never get to see anyone or anything i sobbed as Damon rubbed my back and Stefan rubbed circles on my back trying to soothe me  i sobbed harder  and then Giuseppe said i could adopt you they both whined and Giuseppe said why because i wont get to marry her Damon said  i will still marry you i said seriously   Stefan pouted and me  you too well all get married they nodded while Damon scrunched his nose in disgust wait so ill be married to him and ill be married to him Stefan said HM i thought about it well i could get married one day to Damon and the next day  to Stefan so you guys aren't married they nodded vigorously  i laughed and said maybe mommy go o better place they nodded  i smiled

flashback ---

the great willow tree was just  breezing back and forth  me Damon and Stefan were practicing the waltz  and 1234 i was  currently dancing with Damon he kissed my lip d then passed me to Damon they did this for about 2 minutes until they had to  dance with them selves we were all trying hard not to laugh we were just  then they got me from behind and pinched my sides  i laughed hysterically  i wailed and laughed until my fave was almost purple a they finished i inhaled a deep breath of air missing how it felt  after i finished  gasping i got up and waltz  by myself they tried to come with me i shook my head and ran to another spot after 5 minutes i got bored and said we  should eat now they  nodded and we ate in silence dissolved in our own thought s i got bored so i took a piece of Damon's sandwich he growled and said you could of asked but i shrugged and gave him a piece of my sandwich he rolled his eyes       and                 continued      eating -----------------------

 they gasped and said Julia i nodded and they both  tackled me  in a hug and showered me in kisses i smiled and said  so how you doing  they rolled their eyes and said  where have you been i replied where i have to go right now Klaus house they nodded and said who is he i rolled my eyes and said i will explain in months  tops please i shall go and be back  if it makes it fell better i Will promise to send you letters in fancy  handwriting i said they chuckled and Stefan  said but before you do i  need  this  they pinched my sides and me and i squirmed and laughed and squealed  and forgot what  i was going to tell them  once they finished   they  i fed them my blood and they fell asleep i put re-vain necklaces on their necklaces and flew away into the night 

Julia SalvatoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora