Ashton (to carter)

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I just wanted to put this down before I removed my book cause I love this so much and I don't want it to be lost

Dear Carter,
Carter your my best friend, my cuddle buddy, my sister! I love you Carter and I would do anything to make you happy! I would kick anyone's ass if they hurt you! I would kill someone for you Carter! I feel like I can tell you anything but that isn't true because some stuff I tell you, you tend to get upset about but that's ok, I know I can tell you most stuff! Carter you are the absolute best person in the fucking world! You have been there for me! You even make me let you pay to make sure we are even! I'm sorry when I make you upset! I really am! And all I want to do, is hold you and cuddle!
Ok my rant is over
Bye Carter

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2014 ⏰

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