7 | Chocolate Sleeve

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The grass grew in tussocks and flattened in waves with each gust of wind, only to spring up as fresh as a bunch of flowers right after. It was nothing like the uniform green of the meadow back home that almost looked combed. Each tuft was wild and slightly yellowing under the sun and between each there was bare soil, baked and powdery. Fresh sunlight illuminated perfect spheres of water upon its fine green wands. It collapsed like golden ribbons and drizzled in like gossamer cracks on the pair sat on the field, enjoying the breeze, although their gratification was suffering a blow everytime they ventured to study a new topic in preparation for their upcoming Charms quiz. 

Opal had her knees tucked up, a textbook propped on them and fanned out, the pages fluttering with the wind's volition. Her hair was tucked behind her ears with matching yellow barrettes and she had her lip between her teeth, chewing the flesh in anxious rhythms that drew blood and turned the dusty pink to a cherry crimson shade. She was silent, other than the occasional expletive that tumbled from her lips and was met by a noncommittal yet acquiescent hum from her counterpart sitting nearby.

Gian was dressed in his usual Sunday attire; light-washed trousers with a patterned, cuban collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the first two-buttons unfastened. He was sprawled out adjacent to her, his arm resting on his forehead while he occupied his free hand by fidgeting with the chevron bracelets and digital watch that was rendered useless at Hogwarts, but he still wore as a habit. He opted to forgo the textbooks and instead had a pile of cards with charms listed on them to the side, that he kept reading and then tucking beneath him to recite in his head. But because his mind always tended to stray, he probably got through about three before his thoughts were on a haphazard loop of random pictures and ideas. 

The sun beating down on them didn't help either; its callous heat had tapered with the October breeze but the vibrant rays still struck down and made the students listless. Gian swore that the weather could turn any study enthusiast into a lackadaisical loafer. And he wasn't exactly a zealous student to begin with, so perhaps Opal's idea to study outside hadn't been the wisest choice. 

After a while more of blowing out lethargic huffs of air, he rolled over onto his side and brought up his fist to knock on the book cover propped on her legs. Opal lowered it and gave him a languish glare that made him laugh. 

"I'm seriously trying to study," she griped in a low whine. "What do you want?"

His lips contorted into an involuntary smile when the sun intensified and made his eyes slant. "I need your advice on something," he said, striking her intrigue enough that she threw the textbook aside. Once Opal had her full attention on him, he ventured to sit upright with his forearms planted back on the grass. "It's not so much advice, more like a second opinion..."

"I don't care. I've been trying for over an hour to memorize charms that refuse to stick, and I'm honestly fucking tired. I need this. So whatever stupid shit it is, just tell me," she blathered, voice tethered with urgency.

PHILIA ⇢ r. lupinWhere stories live. Discover now