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Following Finale (Caraval Series)

Tella's letter to Legend begged for another adventure, although it doesn't appear as such. Rather, it appeared as mild flirtation, an innocent request. Nonetheless, it was as far away from an innocent request as it could be. After destroying the Fallen Star, she longed to make something more out of her life, but she isn't quite sure if she is ready to die...again. Her sister, Scarlett, is now Empress.

Her life is exciting. Why isn't mine? Tella thought to herself.

Tella is with Legend. Scarlett is with Julian. The remaining Fates have vanished and are unlikely to make a reappearance anytime soon. Tella's world is seemingly, suddenly calm.

Too bad Tella hates the calm.

"Scarlett! What's tonight's ball all about?" Tella shouted from her room down the hall.

Scarlett looked into the mirror as she rolled her hair into a bun and plopped it on top of her head. She had various crowns thrown on her dresser, as if they weren't priceless.

"I'm not exactly sure why it's significant, but tonight, a star will be visible that is only seen once every one hundred and seven years."

"Well that seems unworthy of a ball. And I've had enough of stars, but I suppose I'm not complaining about a chance to wear a dazzling dress" remarked Tella. She raised her perfectly pointed eyebrows and peeked excitedly into Scarlett's room.

Maybe something remarkable will happen tonight.

Tella desperately wanted for tonight to be different than all the other nights. For this evening's ball to be thrilling and stir up some healthy trouble. But, she knew she shouldn't crave this. Tella loved Legend and Legend loved her. Shouldn't that be enough? Tella asked herself. Legend gave up his immortality for her. He adored her and sacrificed eternity just so that he could be with her. But, life isn't about boys. Or men. Or whatever Dante is. Life is about mystery and adventure. Life is about standing up for what you believe in. Life is about protecting the one's you love and giving yourself up for something that matters. Life is about your heart beating out of your chest, so fast, that you think it may fly right out.

Suddenly, Tella grew very, very aware of her heartbeat.


Her heartbeat slowed. Or maybe it sped up.

Either way, something wasn't right.

Yeah, yeah, he is her ex-husband and all, but she shouldn't have any feelings for him.


He wanted to "possess" her – whatever that means. He never really loved her. He wanted her because he wanted her. He wanted her so that Legend couldn't have her. But, she couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, it was more than that.

But, she'd made her decision.

But, where was he?

She hoped he was off in the mountains somewhere, finally finding his one true love. But, Tessa knew that she was technically his one true love.

Is it possible to have more than one true love?

She wondered that for Jacks just as much as she wondered it for herself.

"Ugh!" Scarlett huffed as she threw dress after dress on the ground. "I can't STAND this. Who knew it'd be so hard dressing yourself as an empress?"

"The Fate that turned into your magical dress," replied Tessa.

"Very funny. I don't think the people of the Meridian Empire will be happy if I show up in only what remains of my dress," murmured Scarlett as she looked fondly at her magical gloves. Right now, they were a pale shade of blue, a cool color. A familiar color.

"Put this on!" Tella tossed a matching silk dress to Scarlett. It was uncommonly simple, but undeniably elegant for a night under the stars.

"Tella, what are you going to wear?"

"Don't you worry. It'll be absolutely magical," she responded with a smirk, and flitted out of the room.

As Tella wandered down the hallway, she was disgusted with her memories and thoughts from earlier. She adored Legend, and she planned to wear a dress that would be an adventure in and of itself. She didn't need an adventure, she just needed to be content.

Tella swung open her door with a newfound sense of peace.

Tella stopped before even crossing the threshold.

What does that even mean?

A single deck of hearts sat in the middle of her bed.

A simple note was scrawled on top.

The game's not over yet. 

Following Finale (Caraval)Where stories live. Discover now