Bad Mood

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It was right before a show and everyone had some down time. Teddy hadn't gotten much sleep that week so she was napping on the couch, her head in Han's lap.

Han would occasionally stroke Teddy's hair as he scrolled through his Instagram feed. Until Felix and Hyunjin came up on V Live. Han looked at the expression the two wore, and all it read was trouble.

The two came real close to Teddy sticking the camera right in her face. Teddy, being the light sleeper she was, woke up. And she was not very happy.

The girl had a long and trying week. She was rarely home due to rehearsal and such, not to mention the little sleep she had gotten.

As soon as she was awake Teddy shot the two troublemakers a nasty look. Then she stood and began looking for Chan, with a pout on her face.

The pout wasn't to get the Felix and Hyunjin into any trouble. It was simply because Teddy was fed up and nearing her breaking point.

After a minute or two of searching Teddy found Chan talking to Woojin. Teddy approached Chan and pulled on his sleeve. As soon as Chan saw the expression the girl wore he lifted her up into his arms.

Woojin also comforted the girl by rubbing her back while questioning, "what happened?"

"I was sleeping on the couch and then Hyunjin and Felix came up because they were doing a V Live. And they got really close and accidentally woke me up. They didn't mean to," Teddy explained, cuddling closer into Chan.

Woojin then stalks off in search of the younger boys. Ready to give them a stern talking to. Chan however goes to a different couch and rocks Teddy back into a dreamless sleep.

Woojin finds the two boy and as soon as the boys see him they knew they were in for it. Woojin drags them to a more private area before laying into them.

"I know it wasn't on purpose but could you two have not used at least two brain cells. You know Teddy had a busy week, not to mention the fact she doesn't get much sleep as it is," Woojin ranted as he looked between the two.

"We're sorry," the two mumbled back with their heads hanged low.

Woojin pats the two on the shoulders, "just try being more considerate next time. Alright?"

The two nod and Woojin dismisses them. Woojin heads back to check up on Chan and Teddy.

However, as he was walking by the group of boys he heard Jeongin start, "told you not to mess with her. And now you got chewed out by Woojin Hyung," it was followed by a smack, "ouch."

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