'Even when the sky comes falling
Even when the sun don't shine
I got faith in you and I'○
1 Month Later
Manhattan, New York
Belcalis Almanzar"You was deadass about that trappin me shit cause yo ass too happy" I side eye her as she happily swings our entangled hands back and forth as we walk out the center.
"Shut up" She giggles and I smile shaking my head.
It took us a month to get everything intact but the process might've been complete today, she had my egg and the sperm from the donor possibly working on a collaboration inside of her.
"I can't wait to rub cocoa butter on ya stomach" I smile thoughtfully picturing her pregnant.
"We can't get our hopes up though babe because it might not happen on the first try" She reminds me and I roll my eyes but nod cause she was right.
Letting my hand go she walks up to the passenger door of my benz as I walk around going to the driver's side opening the door getting in just as she closed her door behind herself.
Starting up the car I put it in drive before speeding away from the center.
"We need to talk" She speaks breaking the short silence between us and I almost drop my head to the steering wheel, I hated hearing those four words.
"About what?"
"If everything does go as planned I don't want our baby growing up in a broken home" She softly speaks and I briefly look over at her.
"He not"
"I want you to stop selling drugs, you scare me when you go days without speaking to me and every time you leave I stay up for hours waiting for you to get back home to me safe from being in the streets" I could hear in her voice how worrisome my way of life had made her.
"I'll be out soon nic I promise, I would never put you in a position where you had to raise them on ya own" I reassure her reaching over giving her thigh a gentle squeeze.
I was already planning on leaving the operation but going to jail set my plan back a year so ever since I got out I had been playing catch up, I just needed to make a couple more moves and I'd be ready to walk away.
"Promise that if everything goes well you'll be done with everything by the time the baby is born"
I think about it for a minute doing some calculations in my head.
All I really needed was another 3 months to make sure my kids kids was set for life, if everything went smooth I'd be out way before my kid got here and officially a legal entrepreneur.
"I promise, that's more than enough time for me to tie my loose ends"
Manhattan, New York
Belcalis Almanzar"Hm baba" Nari pushes another fry in my face and I bite it taking it from in between her tiny fingers.
She smiles climbing out my lap running around the couch to go over to her lil table where her little chop cheese and fries was at.
"You don't have to eat it everytime" Nicki softly chuckles from the kitchen.
"Yes I do, cause look at the smile on her face everytime I do it" I smile as she comes back around the couch with another fry.
She climbs on my lap again pushing the fry in face and I bite it taking it from her tiny fingers just as I did before and she smiles climbing out my lap running to go get another one.
"Nari sit down and eat that food" Nic says in a strict tone and I shake my head chuckling.
"Why you always fuckin with her? She ate her lil chop cheese all she got left is fries"
"Yes fries for her to eat not you, you always letting her run wild"
"Cause she my princess and she can do whatever she wanna do, obviously she don't wanna eat them, she full"
"Shut up" She walks past mushing the back of my head.
"Alright now when I put a pillow over ya face when you sleep don't say nothing" I softly chuckle as I flipped the chanel on the tv.
"You would do something 10 times more extreme than what I did"
"Cause you gone learn" I smile as she sits nari next to me on the couch and of course she cuddles her small body into my side.
"What you wanna watch?"
"Wed" She mumbles rubbing her eye and I say incredibles 2 in the speaker on the remote and the movie turns on.
She loved watching incredibles 2, frozen 2, and home.
"Can y'all come up with something else?" Nic chuckles and I snicker.
I knew every movie word for word but as long as my princess was happy I would watch these movies a million times over.
Walking around the couch nic lays her head in my lap curling her legs on the sofa.
Slipping my hand under her shirt I began to slowly rub her stomach.
Just as expected her eyes flutter closed and I smile looking down at nari seeing she was already sleep.
I couldn't wait to add a new edition in to this.

Poetic Justice
Fanfiction"A fatal attraction is common And what we have common is pain"