I Love You (Roceit)

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It was a normal day in the mind palace. Patton and Virgil was baking cookies, sugar cookies decorated like Christmas trees. It's almost Christmas, and they were bored! The two were enjoying how they were spending their time together during the Christmas season.

Logan was off in the living room reading a book. Virgil has told him to read some Christmas books, trying to make sure that the local grinch was doing something Christmassy. He ended up choosing, "A Christmas Carol". Even though he has read that book way too many times, he saw it was fitting and Logan enjoyed the book.

Meanwhile Roman, Remus and Deceit we're decorating the mind palace. They had divided the mind palace into sections. Roman and Deceit has the hallways and Remus has the living room. Which was easy. Although, Remus spent most his 'decorating' time bothering Logan. The book nerd, probably should've moved from the couch, but he was comfortable and didn't seem to mind Remus.

Currently, on two separate sides of the hallway, Roman and Deceit were hanging tinsel. One of them should really be making sure the other didn't fall, oh well. And if one did fall, the other would definitely be there to make sure they were okay.

Roman had finished his section of the hallway, while Deceit was still working. The princely character had stepped down from his latter, checking out his tinsel work before nodded. Roman made his way to Deceit, his lovely boyfriend, to check in on him.

Roman had snuck his way to Deceits latter, grabbing it lightly and asked, "How's it going Dee?" The sheer surprise of Roman speaking, caused Deceit to yelp and bit and almost fall off the later.

"Roman! You can't do that while I'm on a latter!" Deceit snapped, stepping down from the latter, to confront Roman. Although it seemed like Deceit was angry, he really wasn't. "Sorry Dee. I was just wondering how you were doing." Roman explained lightly, wrapping his arms around Deceit, pulling him into a hug.

"Well it was going good, now it's going great." Deceit whispered, smiling at Roman. Said side, smiled back and spoke, "Well that's good, maybe we should take a break. We still got time until Christmas." Roman wasn't lying. It was still November and Patton, insisted on everyone doing something Christmas related.

Deceit smiled and nodded, placing a quick kiss on Romans lips and whispered, "I love you." Causing Roman to smile, and a pink tint dusted his cheeks. As a response, he whispered, "I love you too."

Although some people don't think that the two are accepted around the mind palace, that's actually a lie. Remus is happy for his brother. Logan and Patton are glad that Roman is happy. And Virgil. Well Virgil is actually really cool with it. Once Roman and Deceit told everyone, Virgil was the first person so congratulate them.

So later in that night, while all the aides gathered around to eat dinner, and it was just laughs. Remus was making his 'classic' comments around the table. Logan, Virgil and Patton we're making small talk together. Just talking about how their day has been going, and they were going great!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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