✎ injured

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"you're late, shithead."

katsuki narrowed his eyes at the incoming male. they agreed to train right after class and despite his messy personality, bakugo was ticked that his boyfriend was exactly 13 minutes late. shouto glanced at katsuki, put his backpack down, and sighed.

"i'm sorry, but i had to talk to midoriya about the project," he responded while sitting down to stretch his legs.

annoyed by the mention of his idiotic childhood friend, bakugo merely 'tsked and started his own warm-up. this had become a routine between the 2-year couple. they would both offer to train after school and the two would spar until late afternoon, then proceed to fill their stomachs at a nearby restaurant for dinner. the couple would start their training with an individual warm-up session, then they would run a lap around the school together.

"i'm done," shouto announced, giving a half-smile to the blonde, "you're so slow."

katsuki couldn't help but glare at the face with heterochromia eyes but simply tsked at shouto once again. the smug male was slightly shocked at the response, especially since katsuki hadn't flipped him off or cussed him out.

the pair silently started jogging, slowly making their way around the large campus grounds. ever since todoroki had confessed to bakugo and the two had started going out, bakugo despised the fact that todoroki was friends with midoriya. katsuki stopped starting pointless arguments and meaningless quarrels about the relationship between the broccoli haired male and his boyfriend, but it was obvious he still didn't approve. there was nothing shouto could do however, because midoriya was a precious friend and katsuki was the love of his life.

the entire jog was filled with silence. almost at the starting point once again, katsuki opened his mouth, wanted to break the silence or at least ease the tense atmosphere.
he turned to face his boyfriend but instead of words, a scream came out of this mouth, as his torso fell over his legs. shouto sharply turned his head over, and shiftly caught the blonde by his arm, preventing him from falling further.

"you alright?" he asked.

"yeah, of course, how could a fucking little rock injure me?" katsuki scoffed.

todoroki assisted katsuki and pulled him up by his arm. as katsuki centered his weight onto in right foot, a sharp pain coursed through his body. yelling once more, the blonde fell onto his knees. shouto, concerned, kneeled in front of his boyfriend.

"is it your foot?"

"yea, i think i twisted my ankle and it fucking hurts like shit," katsuki replied.

"let's go to the nurse."

in one motion, shouto wrapped his arms around katsuki's waist and hoisted him up. he placed his hands on katsuki's ass and instinctively, katsuki wrapped his legs around shouto's muscled torso.

blushing like crazy, katsuki exclaimed, "w-what the fuck are you doing?"

"going to the nurse's office," shouto replied, stoic as ever.

katsuki, still very embarassed, opened and closed his mouth continuously, trying to find the right words to say. giving up, he then started pulling the split red and white hair of the empty expressed male, using his other hand to clamp onto shouto's shoulder, pushing him away. finding the resistance a little annoying, shouto took over of his hands and placed it behind katsuki's head, forcing his head down on his shoulder. the rabid blonde calmed down and inhaled his boyfriend's scent.

"t-thank you," katsuki stuttered, admitting defeat.

"no need, just say you love me, as payback for being jealous."

"huh?! no way!" katsuki screamed, forcing himself to face is boyfriend.

"then do you want to walk?" shouto replied bluntly.

hiding his tomato-colored face, katsuki snuggled into shouto's shoulder once more, whispering into his ear, "i love you, icyhot."

and so, the couple had to cancel their training for the day.

and so, the couple had to cancel their training for the day

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(a/n) thoughts? areas to improve on? :)

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