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The act or instance of making or becoming different.

Which doesn't come easy these days.
I'd even say it's on repeat.

Like a song on replay .

You try to switch it off ,
Plug your ears,
Turn the song,
But it just keeps glitching .

On and on In your mind.
Tolerating it for the long part of a long while.
Till a Long while turns into too long to handle.

So you hit every button you can
Hoping next time you wake up.
Next time you walk down the street ,
Next time you let the sun kiss your face,
Next time your girl says she loves you.

Next time...
Next time...

Something would be different.
Would turn on something new,
Or take hold the tedious replays.

And it does.
But not before The Song takes course .

Arguing every day like a contact sport
Battling with my identity,
Forever juggling artistry, against my growing need for something that doesn't even want me.
Weather that is my family, friends, or the industry I'll let you wait and see.

But not between 9-5, maybe even longer
I may go missing for a couple of days.
Reports say I was last seen selling my soul to the devil.

Just to the closest penny, nikle, or dime that'll get me to next dollar ,
Or give me enough cents to leave this place

No.I couldn't tell you how much I have saved,
But I can tell you how much I have left.
It's not much, but it could spot me fifth.
You got some?
I really want to see how high I get before the clouds block my vision.

I know I shouldn't, but I don't want to see it coming.
I don't want to see the day to day kill everything I love inside
Never letting them live long enough
To see them /CHānj/


Hey Apollo here 🤗
So what do you guys think so far? I can't really tell you how many pieces are left in this book, but secretly this was my favorite. 
I love everyone to vote but I'd be lying if I said I don't like your comments more 😂. So comment.... What you think is next!
See you in the next one!

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