Chapter Two: 10 Things I Heard About You

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Despite your best intentions, you hadn't set foot in Howl's shop after that initial meeting. Work, fireworks festival preparations, and the release of the latest installation of your favorite serial had consumed all of your available time until, before you knew it, it was already your aunt's birthday.

On this balmy and breezy day, you strolled down towards the bakery. Thanks to your hard work the past week, you'd been able to get the afternoon off, so in anticipation of your aunt's hearty afternoon tea, you'd decided to get a quick bite of bread for a snack.

As you turned at the main square, you caught a glimpse of your aunt's shop, with its "Closed" sign. You smiled to yourself. Besides the winter holidays, the only time your aunt took off work was her birthday, at the insistence of her wife, Clara. Your aunt grumbled about it from time to time. "Bah! What's the use of wasting perfectly good working hours," she would huff, "celebrating the day I was evicted from the womb?"

But you knew that deep down inside, your aunt enjoyed her birthday. Sure, she might grouse and grumble, making the best displeased face she could muster whenever it was discussed. But to look upon her at the head of the table, surrounded by her friends and her food, the only thing you could ever see on her face was a huge, ear-splitting grin.

Your stomach grumbled a little, both at the thought of the tea and the smell of fresh bread wafting through the bakery doors as you approached them. A tiny golden bell announced your hungry presence as you crossed the threshold into the warm, sunlit space before the bakery counter.

Behind the counter, a familiar face turned to greet you. "(Y/N)!" Bridget, the baker's eldest daughter, said. "It's good to see you." Her normally pale face was flushed with the heat of the ovens and a big, toothy smile.

You nodded at her. "Bridget! Didn't expect to see you today. Is your mom out or something?"

She nodded in agreement and wiped her brow. "Yeah, she forgot that your aunt's party is today, so she's doing some last-minute shopping. She'll be back in a few. In the meantime, do you need a cake or something? Might be nice for your aunt."

You shook your head. "I'm sure she and Clara have everything taken care of. I'm just looking for a quick bite to tide me over until tea." You pointed to a small basket of buns in the case. "Could I get two of those, please?"

"Of course. Are you sure I couldn't interest you in a tart or two? Or a biscuit? We just made a fresh batch of the blueberry ones this morning." She gave you a mischievous grin. "If you want them, you better buy them now, or else Maria's going to eat all of them."

"Wow, already a talented saleswoman!" You chortled. "Your dad must sleep well at night, knowing that the bakery is in such capable hands." You sighed. "Unfortunately, I've only got a few quid on me, so it's a no to the biscuits. Maybe later."

Picking up the tongs, Bridget dropped two buns into a paper sleeve and handed them over. "Well then, I'll try to save one or two for you. I can't make any promises, though." She smiled.

As the warm, thin paper parcel entered your hand, you reached with the other into your satchel, hands rummaging around for the smooth, worn leather of your wallet. "I suppose I owe you... how much were these, again?"

Bridget shook her head. "Oh, don't bother! This one's on the house. It's the least I can do, after what you did for Dorothy." She gave you a broad, joyful grin. "She says hi, by the way."

"Aw, tell her I said hi, too. Her leg getting better?"

"Of course. The doctor said that she'll be good as new in a couple of weeks. It probably helps that she's so young and all, you know." Bridget sighed. "I'm sure Mom'll let you know when she starts getting well enough to climb trees again. We might need you to intervene." She gave you a big wink.

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