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Roses are red, violets are blue,
You'll never know how I feel for you;
Silence is golden, important to keep.
We will remain apart,
Hopefully until one fateful day.
I sigh in contempt,
My thoughts spiraling into the future.
I can see the day you say,
"I love you....I always have...."
Then we'll hold hands, singing I say,
"Oh, at last!"
We'll smile forever, only thinking of the other
We know there'll be trouble up ahead,
But for now we make our bed....
As long as were together,
Nothing else will ever matter.
The vision starts to fade as I look away,
Years gathered in my army like eyes.
I steel myself, allowing the cold to chill me,
For I know that day may never come,
So for now, I'll dream of us....
Laying down under the beautiful glowing sun

FlashForward by KittenLovesEmos

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