Chapter 1

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"Ow! Watch where you're going freak!" scorned a curly haired girl from school after I accidentally bumped her in the shoulder.

"I-i'm sorry Shelly," I responded while keeping my head down as I tugged the front end of the hood of my jacket downwards to fully cover my face. I was walking with my eyes fixed on the floor that's why I hadn't noticed she was in the way.

"The hell you are!" She scowled. She pushed me in the shoulders so hard that my ass fell on the floor. Everyone else who was loitering in the same hallway saw it, and within a second or two they were already circling us.

"Get up!" She ordered in her annoying voice. I remained sitting on the floor with my head still down and the hood still covering half of my face. Probably annoyed, she kicked my leg harshly.

Another second later and everyone else who was circled around us started chanting the word 'fight' 'fight' 'fight'. I secretly rolled my eyes. Luckily, the hood still covered my face from their point of view, therefore they didn't see me roll my eyes.

"I said get up fr--"

"--what is going on here?" An elderly female voice cut Shelly off. The others also skedaddled once they recognized who the voice came from.

"Principal Sanders!" Shelly giggled. I knew it was fake but I kept it to myself. Slowly, I forced myself to stand up.

"Kennedy. Walters. Both of you in my office. Now!" The Principal commanded us. She started walking down the halls that lead to the Principal's office. The hallways was quiet as she passed through, with Shelly and me trailing behind her. Her heels audibly clicked as her heels strutted through the hallways.

I glimpsed at Shelly, to which I caught her glaring at me. As if she was throwing daggers out of her eyes to stab me. Tensed, I quickly looked away. We continued walking until we got to the Principal's office. Principal Sanders came in first, followed by Shelly, and then me. She beckoned us to sit on the two empty chairs in front of the newly furnished mahogany table while she sat on the comfy chair behind the said table.

"Kennedy. Pull your hoodie down please," the Principal commanded patiently. After one heavy exhale, I slowly tugged down my hood to the back of my head. She gave me a thank you and I just nod.

It was a pretty long conversation but my mind kinda dazed off through half of it. The next thing I knew, Shelly had already stood up. I blinked and brought myself back to reality, then glancing at Principal Sanders with questioning eyes. She didn't seem to notice the confusion on my face though.

"Remember. If I caught you too fighting again, you will be suspended," the principal stated. I mentally smirked at the fact that we weren't exactly fighting. I don't call me being pushed to the floor fighting. It was goddamn bullying, but whatever. As if people would care.

Shelly and I exited the office together. As soon as I closed the door, Shelly stopped in her steps and turned around to look at me. She had a smug on her face... You know... The smugging face whom you just want to smash with a hammer.

"Do yourself a favor and just leave the town freak. You almost got me in trouble," she snarled. I pursed my lips in a thin line, then started breathing silently three times to calm me down.

I continued walking, completely ignoring her.

"Hey I'm not done talking to you!" She scowled while yanking my shoulder back so I could look at her face to face. Still, I kept a stern face.

"You want me to cut your tongue so that you won't be able to talk for real?!" She snarled, but I didn't feel threatened. My life is already threatening enough so Shelly's threat doesn't bother me anymore. Let's just say I've gotten used to it by now. Thanks to this shithole called 'my life'.

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