Chapter 1

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Mysterys P.O.V.

Hello my name is Mystery. I am from England but, moved to Canada and now I am in Florida. I am barely starting school here. I am in my 2nd year of High School. I go to Heavenly Host high school *Do you get the reference no? Ok ;(* I was walking in and saw a group of guys glaring at me. I walk in to the office and saw amiddle-aged woman behind a computer typing away. I took out a paper and wrote on it.

'Hello my name is Mystery I am new here' then I gave it to her.

She saw it.

"Oh hello Mystery here is you Locker number and combination, also your classrooms."

I nod as a responce of ok and thanks. I start walking to my locker and see the same group of guys. They walk up to me. I remember some of them. No way they are...... YOUTUBERS. Before I could say something or anything I get pushed down.

"Hey new kid you are now bullied by us you get that" Vanoss said

I just nodded but he must of thought that I didnt answer so he kicked me

"Hey answer me when I tell you something Bitch"

I pulled out a piece of paper and write

'I cant talk'

"Aww the little cunt cant talk. What happened your little imaginary boyfriend break up with you"

Thats when I remember what happened

*Flash back*
I was walking with me friend that was the last time I got to talk. We were talking about videos we watched of Delirious and the gang. I was in Canada at the time. I was walking home and saw my house burnt down. My mom and dad were there. My sister was at my Aunts. I saw my ex-boyfriend with a smirk and gasoline.

"Well looks who's here well sorry for your loss. That what you get for dumping me"

I was screaming and crying I tried to talk but nothing came our. My friend Jade (made up) took me to the hospital. The doctor said that I was now mute and that I can't see my sister.

*End of FlashBack*

I was on the floor crying and Delirious looked sad but the rest started laughing and left. I was still crying and a girl saw me and came up to me.

"Hey, Are you new?" She said in an Italian accent

I took out my board and marker

'Yes I am my name is Mystery and you are? '

"My name is Marzia"

' Hello Marzia'

"Are you alright you are crying and on the floor?"

' Actually I am not that ok I was pushed by Vanoss and his crew and I had a sad flashback so yea '

"By Vanoss and his Crew. I have to tell Felix"

' who's Felix'

"Oh he's my boyfriend"

'Ok should we get to class? '

"Oh yea. What do you have?"

'Math C102'

"Cool that's where I am going right now"

*Time Skip*

I was walking home and saw Marzia and Felix.

' Hey where do you guys live?'

"Right here"

They point infront of my house. I started jumping up and down like a maniac.

"What's wrong?" Felix asked

'You guys live in front of me'


'Yes it is TheMysteryCity but I am a masked gamer'

"But why you are so pretty you could be a Vlogger or something"

I forgot to described myself. I have shoulder length dark puprle hair, bangs covering a little of my left eye, right one ocean blue eye the left eyes is gold, always wearing a neon purple sweater, blue jeans, and one pink and blue converse. Yea im crazy like that.

Well here is another book of bullying but of Vanoss Crew and UNTIL NEXT TIME SEE YA CITIZENS

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