Untitled Part 1

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                                                        Somewhere over the Pacific Ocean...


World War 2. A time of grief. Of despair. Of death. Everywhere, battles raged on. Including here...

A P-51 Mustang would be flying out of the air, it's side set ablaze. The fighter slammed onto a sandy hill, exploding into flames. As smoke went up into the atmosphere, a parachute landed near the explosion. It flopped down, revealing an American Soldier. Taking off his helmet, the man exhaled in exhaustion.


                                                      A Leothestupidhead Production...


He looked up, spotting a Mitsubishi A6M Zero being shot down, the same one that shot down his dogfighter. The soldier turned around, spotting a man parachuting down. Knowing it was an enemy, he ran towards the area the parachute would land. 


Creatures Owned by Warner Bros, Universal Studios, and Legendary Studios respectfully...


Skidding to a stop, the soldier eyed the Imperial Japanese Soldier. Pulling out a gun, he fired his ammo at the Japanese. 'Bad luck.' He'd think, as every bullet missed their target. The other soldier pulled out his dagger, before sprinting after the fleeing American.


                                               The First Of A Chronicle Of A Kaiju Universe...


The American Soldier ran through a jungle, brushing aside foliage before coming to an abrupt stop, finding himself in front of a pit. A dead end, for the soldier. Turning around, he quickly grabbed the dagger of the attacking Japanese, only to feel his hands being cut into by the edges. The attacker grinned as his victim screamed out. "AAAAAH!" Fortunately for the American, his fist came in handy as it punched away the attacker. As they wrestled a bit, the Japanese soldier pinned down the American, holding his dagger at his neck, ready to kill his victim- "RROOWL!" They paused instantly as the terrifying sound sent shivers down their spines. *THUD* *THUD* *THUD* Something was coming. Among the bushes and trees, a behemoth emerged, as tall as a dinosaur. It resembled an ape, specifically a giant silverback gorilla. It reared up onto it's hind legs, fists thumping the great ape's chest. The soldiers were frozen in fear, not knowing what to do. Best they wait for him to leave...



                                                 King Kong : Skull Of An Emperor

________________________________________________________________________________Hello readers, thank you for viewing the first entry to my very first story! I hope you enjoyed. If you want, you can follow or favourite this story and/or me, for I will be making more chapters, and more stories connected to this. Please do leave a review, for constructive criticism can help make future chapters even better! That's all for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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