Back From Break

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POV: Aria (shy girl)

     I was sitting in bed trying to take a photo to post on Instagram, but just couldn't get the right angle or get the perfect lighting. I exited out of Snapchat and turned off my phone. School was starting up again tomorrow, I wish fall break could last forever. I really didn't want to go back to school. Then again I was really ready to see my BFF, Jade.
It's almost ten and and I'm ready for bed I guess. Then I remember I needed to plug my school computer in, so I did and then I fell asleep.
     I woke up at 7:00 a.m. to the lovely sound of my alarm. I took a shower and got dressed in the cutest thing I could find in my closet. I left my house at 8:00 a.m.

POV: Max (popular guy and school photographer)

     I walked into the school at 7:50 a.m. and went straight to the photographer room and started laying out the negatives, "Well Max, you think you'd be able to stay after school and help me get the yearbook set up?" Miss Rivers said.
" Yeah, definitely, how late?" I said questionable.
" No later than 4:00 to 4:30"
"Ok" I replied. I finished setting out the negatives and looked at each of them carefully, I noticed one picture and looked at it with a warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach, Aria Cooper.

PPV: Aria

     I walked into school and saw Jade, I went over to her and started talking about our thanksgiving weekend. She told me she had a wonderful time with her family. Then I told her about mine and then we went to class. I have History for first period and so did Max.


     I walked into first period and saw Aria already sitting in her seat, I looked at her cautiously and smiled. I took my seat and the teacher started talking. Before you knew it the bell rang and we went to second period. The day went on really quick and lunch finally arrived.
I went over to sit with my friends. Only one of the I could truly depend on, Liam. Liam and I had been friends since preschool, nothing or no one could tear us apart.
The day went on and the last bell rang I went to my locker, and got my stuff and left.

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